Spells (Ordo Undine Proeliatori)

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Barnacle Barrier

Spell Type                  : animistic
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 220 points among underwater fieldcraft skill, summoning skill, animal lore skill, and  seamanship skill
Rating Formula              : 30% of constitution plus 35% of enchantment skill plus 50% of invocation skill
Rating                      : 159.35
Rating Minimum              : 0
Rating Maximum              : 350
Base Energy Costs           : seventy-five points of spiritual energy and twenty-five points of elemental water energy
Process to Cast Spell       : concentrate on calling the barnacle spirit into <target>

Initially, the barnacle is a seemingly innocuous buildup that is never even noticed until you are looking at the bottom of a ship for some odd reason. The barnacle simply clings onto the bottom of a keel and that is where it spends the rest of its life, never moving from that one spot. This spell calls upon the spirit of the barnacle, to root the target in place. Unfortunately, this effect only lasts a short while. For that time period, though, the target has an opportunity for reflection in ways that are unparalleled if distracted by the possibilities of movement.

Beaver Spirit

Spell Type                  : animistic
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 20 points among awareness skill, summoning skill, and animal lore skill
Rating Formula              : 30% of intelligence plus 35% of enchantment skill plus 50% of invocation skill
Rating                      : 169.85
Rating Minimum              : 68
Rating Maximum              : 450
Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy and twenty-five points of elemental water energy
Process to Cast Spell       : concentrate on calling the Beaver Spirit

In the few climes that the beaver is present, it is known for three things. The first is its fur, which is a prized and traded commodity. The second is its flat tail, which is its hallmark feature. The third is the sharp incisors that it uses to gnaw through tree, which it then uses to build dams. Such construction skills are found in other animals, but few to this scale. Not only do the dams create a pond for the beaver family, but inside the dam are rooms for the beaver family. The entire process is highly complicated compared to the living spaces of most animals. Invoking the Beaver Spirit impart into the caster many skills used in construction.

Blood in the Water

Spell Type                  : animistic
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 20 points among awareness skill, summoning skill, and animal lore skill
Rating Formula              : 30% of perception plus 35% of enchantment skill plus 50% of invocation skill
Rating                      : 162.35
Rating Minimum              : 68
Rating Maximum              : 450
Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy and twenty-five points of elemental water energy
Process to Cast Spell       : visualize drops of blood lingering in the tide

This spell is one of the simplest of the animistic spells to manifest, as it draws upon one of the primal instincts of the shark spirit. Typically, sharks are emotionless creatures when they hunt, searching tirelessly for their prey, picking off the wounded, diseased, or weak with ruthless efficiently. This changes, however, once a certain amount of blood is in the water. A savage emotion erupts from within the shark, causing it to lash out violently and repeatedly. This spell draws upon that lashing out, as well as the relentless hunting nature of the shark, instilling the recipient with the shark's killing instincts and ferocity.

Blowfish Spirit

Spell Type                  : animistic
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 140 points among 100% of animal lore skill, 100% of summoning skill, 100% of underwater fieldcraft skill, and 30% of constitution
Rating Formula              : 30% of constitution plus 35% of invocation skill plus 25% of enchantment skill
Rating                      : 119.2
Rating Minimum              : 150
Rating Maximum              : 380
Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy and five points of elemental water energy
Process to Cast Spell       : visualize a tiny blowfish

The spirit of the blowfish is a rather whimsical spirit. In its normal state, it is small and unassuming. When it is threatened or frighted, it swells up to many times its normal size. Invoking this animistic spirit causes much the same effect in the invoker, causing hir to swell larger than sie normally is. The usual side effects of this is that most armour and weapons sized for your normal size will no longer be of use, and most armour or weapons used in hir swollen size will be too large to use once normal size has been returned. It should also be noted that due to the nature of this growth, it augments neither strength nor toughness. Only volume is increased, while mass stays relatively the same. What little gain one receives is typically compromised by being a larger target and easier to hit.

Bubble Barrier

Spell Type                  : animistic
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 150 points among 25% of shield skill, 50% of metaphysics skill, 30% of swimming skill, and 75% of escape skill
Rating Formula              : 30% of charisma plus 60% of dexterity plus 60% of constitution plus 100% of shield skill plus 100% of hydromancy skill plus 100% of swimming skill plus 100% of escape skill
Rating                      : 550
Rating Minimum              : 136
Rating Maximum              : 550
Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy and five points of elemental water energy
Process to Cast Spell       : concentrate on summoning the Seahorse Spirit

When maneuvering underwater, movement can create a barrier of bubbles around an individual. These bubbles can interfere with easy movement, can distract a predator, and alter the density of the atmosphere to impede movement through them. This spell mimics those bubbles with the metaphysical water within the caster, creating a metaphysical barrier around hir manifesting as small bubbles. Though they may not look intimidating in the least, they are able to absorb quite a bit of impact.

Cleansing Waters

Spell Type                  : utility
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 120 points among diagnosis skill, biology skill, metaphysics skill, and swimming skill
Rating Formula              : 30% of charisma plus 100% of first aid skill plus 35% of hydromancy skill plus 50% of anatomy skill
Rating                      : 84.9
Rating Minimum              : 136
Rating Maximum              : 450
Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy and fifteen points of elemental water energy
Process to Cast Spell       : visualize a trickle of water washing away the impurities in <target>

This is a universalized spell that draws upon water's ability to wash away the pain and suffering inflicted upon the target. While the actual healing of physical damage is so small as to be unnoticeable, the healing waters wash away afflictions which may be hindering the natural healing processes of the recipient.

Cold Snap

Spell Type                  : elemental
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 20 points among metaphysics skill, arctic fieldcraft skill, logic skill, and physics skill
Rating Formula              : 35% of evocation skill plus 100% of cryomancy skill plus 50% of hydromancy skill
Rating                      : 93.7
Rating Minimum              : 178
Rating Maximum              : 550
Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy, fifteen points of elemental water energy, and twenty-five points of cold
Process to Cast Spell       : concentrate on sending out waves of intense cold

Cold is a relative aspect of water, and this spell generates enough intense cold as to affect everything around the caster. The summation of the effect is that the cold that the caster conjures is of such intensity that it affects everything, adversely affecting both living and inanimate alike. Even the caster hirself is not immune to this backlash, though a prepared mage can mitigate the damages done to hirself. Fragile objects have been known to shatter with the use of this spell.

Collect Water

Spell Type                  : elemental
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 10 points among metaphysics skill, centering skill, and channeling skill
Rating Formula              : 50% of hydromancy skill plus 50% of channeling skill
Rating                      : 141.5
Rating Minimum              : 0
Rating Maximum              : 450
Base Energy Costs           : fifteen points of spiritual energy
Process to Cast Spell       : visualize the ambient water collecting together into a single pool

This basic utility spell user the caster's spiritual energies to draw moisture from the surrounding environment, thereby replenishing hir own personal reserves.


Eel's Touch


Glowfish Spirit


Ice Crystal

Ice Shard

Jellyfish Sting

Lamprey's Bite

Magick Bolt

Magick Ripple

Mollusk Spawn

Mollusk Trail

 Spell Type                  : animistic
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 50 points among swimming skill,
   summoning skill, legend lore skill, and imagination skill
 Rating Formula              : 45% of dexterity plus 65% of throwing skill plus
   65% of imagination skill plus 75% of invocation skill
 Rating                      : 111.5
 Rating Minimum              : 68
 Rating Maximum              : 450
 Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy and five
 points of elemental water energy
 Process to Cast Spell       : imagine the slime of the Mollusk spirit binding

Mollusks around the world have a relatively primitive digestive system, which makes use of a thick slime that binds to objects and drags the objects through the digestive system. Items and particulates that cannot be digested are bound tightly by the slime and removed from the digestive tract. This spell calls forth that slime, in a non-caustic form, to bind a target and prevet them from moving around.

Otter's Charm

Piranha Swarm

Polar Eruption

Spell Type                  : elemental
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 200 points among metaphysics skill, arctic fieldcraft skill, logic skill, and physics skill
Rating Formula              : 30% of charisma plus 35% of evocation skill plus 100% of cryomancy skill plus 50% of hydromancy skill
Rating                      : 141.25
Rating Minimum              : 68
Rating Maximum              : 450
Base Energy Costs           : twenty-five points of spiritual energy, fifteen points of elemental water energy, and twenty-five points of cold
Process to Cast Spell       : concentrate on creating a ball of intense cold

Cold is a relative aspect of water, and this spell generates enough intense cold as to affect everything around the caster. The summation of the effect is that the cold that the caster conjures is of such intensity that it affects everything, adversely affecting both living and inanimate alike. The thermal tension caused by the presence of such intense cold causes a violent backlash as soon as the caster releases the spell. A skilled caster can direct this backlash towards specified targets while avoiding friendly fire.

Prismatic Spray

Rainbow Mist


Shark Bite

Spell Type                  : animistic
Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 75 points among 55% of animal lore skill, 100% of summoning skill, 75% of killer instinct skill, and 50% of swimming skill
Rating Formula              : 35% of invocation skill plus 50% of killer instinct skill plus 50% of tracking skill
Rating                      : 303.35
Rating Minimum              : 68
Rating Maximum              : 350
Base Energy Costs           : thirty points of spiritual energy and twenty-five points of elemental water energy
Process to Cast Spell       : visualize a spiritual shark biting <target>

Calling upon the spiritual aspect of the shark, this spell summons forth a shark spirit to bite a single target. Due to the spiritual and animistic nature of the spell, few others will see the spiritual shark, but will definitely notice the caster's elemental water responding to the presence of the shark spirit.

Slow Eel Spirit

Squid's Ink

Starfish Spirit

Steam Bolt

Walrus Spirit

Wash Away the Pain

Water Breathing

Water Shield

Watery Grave

Whale's Might

 Spell Type                  : animistic
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 50 points among massive exertion
   skill, summoning skill, load bearing skill, and animal lore skill
 Rating Formula              : 65% of charisma plus 65% of underwater
   fieldcraft skill plus 75% of invocation skill
 Rating                      : 119.8
 Rating Minimum              : 68
 Rating Maximum              : 450
 Base Energy Costs           : fifty-five points of spiritual energy and
 thirty-five points of elemental water energy
 Process to Cast Spell       : visualize the strength of the whale

Among the largest of the marine animals, the whale has long been known for its strength. In part due to its size and mass, a whale has the ability to drag whaling ships behind it for miles. This same strength allows it to swim to great depths, and to fend off attacks from the fierce predators who would attempt to feed upon them. This spell draws upon that strength, imbuing the caster with strength that far exceeds their physical form. It also draws upon the great size and bulk of the whale to assist in lifting larger items by spreading the lifting surface over a wider area of the object being lifted.

Ralnos whispers: This spell stacks and trains several key skills that it uses, so using it can grant you a lot of strength. The max it stacks is based off of your rating.

Whale's Song

 Spell Type                  : animistic
 Knowledge Requirement       : have at least 150 points among summoning skill,
   swimming skill, animal lore skill, and underwater fieldcraft skill
 Rating Formula              : 30% of charisma plus 35% of invocation skill
   plus 100% of singing skill plus 50% of vocalization skill
 Rating                      : 49
 Rating Minimum              : 45
 Rating Maximum              : 350
 Base Energy Costs           : thirty points of spiritual energy
 Process to Cast Spell       : visualize the whale's song within me resonating
   toward <target>

The mighty song of the whale is able to penetrate the water for miles, resonating in it's full solemn tonality through its entire distance. This song is of such strength, that those nearby to the whale can be stunned by the raw sonic force emanating from the whale. Sometimes, the toothed whales count upon this to stun their prey, making them easier targets. This spell emulates that ability, sending a forceful blast from the caster's vocal aparatus into the local medium, with such power that it can stun a nearby opponent. The raw force of the blast is usually enough to stun even opponent who cannot hear, as the shockwaves penetrate through their physical form almost as easily as the songs travel through the water. It is also noted that despite the initial shockwave traveling forward towards an intended target, the soundwaves spread outwards, and have a tendency to mildly stun others nearby.

Winter's Mantle

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