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Lost Souls Color Support

  • Lost Souls supports a method of colorizing text that can be used by players. The basic method looks like this: {{blue}colored text}, resulting in blue colored text. The colors produced are only visible to those with a terminal setting that supports ANSI color or who are using Lost Souls client software; see 'help term' for more on terminal settings.

  • The ability to use colors requires responsibility. While we understand that many people enjoy having complex color patterns associated with their character, please refrain from being truly gratuitous about it, and most certainly refrain from using colors strictly to confuse or obscure information. Irresponsible use of colors may result in administrative sanctions.

  • In addition to the basic form above, color sequences can be embedded within one another; for example, {{blue}one {{white}two} {{green}three} four} appears as one two three four, with 'one' in blue, 'two' in white, 'three' in green, and 'four' in blue.

  • The basic colors available are:
         bright black            black              dark black           
         bright blue             blue               dark blue            
         bright brown            brown              dark brown           
         bright cyan             cyan               dark cyan            
         bright gray             gray               dark gray            
         bright green            green              dark green           
         bright orange           orange             dark orange          
         bright pink             pink               dark pink            
         bright red              red                dark red             
         bright violet           violet             dark violet          
         bright white            white              dark white           
         bright yellow           yellow             dark yellow          

  • There are various aliases or secondary forms of these colors available, which may display differently on a Lost Souls client. These are:
         amber                   auburn                  azure                
         beige                   blonde                  blood-red            
         blue-gray               brass                   bronze               
         burgundy                burnt sienna            cerulean             
         chartreuse              chocolate               cobalt blue          
         copper                  crimson                 deep blue            
         emerald                 forest green            fuchsia              
         gold                    golden                  golden-red           
         greenish                hazel                   honey-brown          
         hot pink                indigo                  ivory                
         jade                    lavender                lemon yellow         
         lemon-yellow            light blue              light brown          
         light gray              light green             lilac                
         magenta                 maroon                  matte black          
         mauve                   midnight blue           milky                
         navy                    night-black             ocean blue           
         ochre                   off-white               olive                
         orange-red              pale blue               pale green           
         pale violet             pale yellow             peach                
         platinum blonde         puce                    pure black           
         pure white              purple                  raven-black          
         reddish                 reddish-brown           reddish-purple       
         rose                    ruby                    russet               
         rust-red                saffron                 salmon               
         scarlet                 shadowy                 silver               
         silvery                 silvery-white           sky blue             
         tan                     tawny                   teal                 
         umber                   verdant                 yellowish

  • There are four alternate general modifiers that can be applied to colors in a way similar to how 'bright' and 'dark' are used:
         dull                    fluorescent             glowing              

  • There also is one special color with divergent behavior:

  • Besides simple foreground colors, you can specify foreground/background color pairs. This is done by separating the colors with a slash; for example, {{black/white}text} produces black on white text. Use this capability sparingly, if at all; its overuse is, quite frankly, very irritating, and effects achieved solely with foreground colors are often much more pleasing.

  • These are the simplest capabilities of the color mechanics. Beyond this, the system can also handle patterns of color. There is a set of predefined color patterns called color textures; these are:
         airy                    arctic camouflage       auroric              
         bay                     bright fire             calico               
         camouflage              chaotic                 chestnut             
         chiaroscuro             darkfire                desert camouflage    
         dim fire                earthy                  fiery                
         forest                  hellfire                icy                  
         iridescent              jungle                  lightfire            
         lightning               opalescent              paisley              
         palomino                pearly                  plaid                
         prismatic               rainbow                 roan                 
         shimmering              siamese                 sickly               
         sorrel                  sparkling               spectrum fire        
         starry                  tabby                   tarnished            

  • You can also specify color patterns yourself. There are a number of different forms supported. These are:
         Alternation: A simple list of one or more colors or color patterns in the form {{<color>, <color>... and <color>}text}.  The intervals between the parts of the alternation will grow or shrink according to how much text they are being applied to.  For example, {{red, yellow, green and blue}text} results in alternating red, yellow, green and blue text.
         Sequence: A list of colors that will be followed exactly, one character at a time.  Specified in the form {{<color>-<color>-<color>... sequence}text}; for example, {{white-orange-white sequence}text} creates a sequence of white, orange, and white.
         Centered: A certain percentage of one color centered within another color, in the form {{<percent>% <color> in <color>}text}.  For example, {{40% pink in black}text} designates a region of pink centered in a region of black.
         Banded: A base color with bands of another color, in the form {{<color>-banded <color>}text}.  For example, {{blue-banded green}text} results in a banded color pattern.
         Camouflage: A color with camouflage-style mottlings, in the form {{<color> camouflage}text}.  For example, {{yellow camouflage}text} produces a camouflage color pattern.
         Checked: A base color in a checkerboard pattern with another color, in the form {{<color>-checked <color>}text}.  For example, {{black-checked violet}text} creates a checked color pattern.
         Coruscating: A base color with coruscating highlights, in the form {{coruscating <color>}text}.  For example, {{coruscating white}text} designates a coruscating color pattern.
         Dappled: A base color dappled with another color, in the form {{<color>-dappled <color>}text}.  For example, {{red-dappled cyan}text} results in a dappled color pattern.
         Dotted: One color with dots of another color, in the form {{<color>-dotted <color>}text}.  For example, {{pink-dotted orange}text} produces a dotted color pattern.
         Fire: A colored fire pattern, in the form {{<color> fire}text}.  For example, {{blue fire}text} creates a fire color pattern. 

         Flame: A colored flame pattern, in the form {{<color> flame}text}.  For example, {{green flame}text} designates a flame color pattern.
         Flecked: One color with flecks of another color, in the form {{<color>-flecked <color>}text}.  For example, {{yellow-flecked black}text} results in a flecked color pattern.

         Flickering: A color whose hue varies in flickering patterns, in the form

{{flickering <color>}text}. For example, {{flickering violet}text} produces a flickering color pattern.

         Freckled: One color with freckles of another color, in the form {{<color>-freckled <color>}text}.  For example, {{white-freckled red}text} creates a freckled color pattern.
         Gleaming: A base color with gleaming highlights, in the form {{gleaming <color>}text}.  For example, {{gleaming cyan}text} designates a gleaming color pattern.
         Glimmering Mixed: A color with glimmering highlights of another color, in the form {{<color>-glimmering <color>}text}.  For example, {{pink-glimmering orange}text} results in a glimmering mixed color pattern.
         Glimmering Single: A color with glimmering highlights, in the form {{glimmering <color>}text}.  For example, {{glimmering blue}text} produces a glimmering single color pattern.
         Glistening: A color with glistening highlights, in the form {{glistening <color>}text}.  For example, {{glistening green}text} creates a glistening color pattern.
         Glittering: A base color with glittering inclusions, in the form {{glittering <color>}text}.  For example, {{glittering yellow}text} designates a glittering color pattern.
         Gridded: A base color gridded with another color, in the form {{<color>-gridded <color>}text}.  For example, {{black-gridded violet}text} results in a gridded color pattern.
         Inlaid: A base color with inlays of another color, in the form {{<color>-inlaid <color>}text}.  For example, {{white-inlaid red}text} produces an inlaid color pattern.
         Iridescent: A color with iridescent hue patterns, in the form {{iridescent <color>}text}.  For example, {{iridescent cyan}text} creates an iridescent color pattern.
         Lightning: A colored lightning pattern, in the form {{<color> lightning}text}.  For example, {{pink lightning}text} designates a lightning color pattern.
         Lined: A base color with lines of another color, in the form {{<color>-lined <color>}text}.  For example, {{orange-lined blue}text} results in a lined color pattern.
         Metallic: A color with a metallic tone, in the form {{metallic <color>}text}.  For example, {{metallic green}text} produces a metallic color pattern.
         Mottled Mixed: A base color with mottled inclusions of another color, in the form {{<color>-mottled <color>}text}.  For example, {{yellow-mottled black}text} creates a mottled mixed color pattern.
         Mottled Single: A single color of mottled shade, in the form {{mottled <color>}text}.  For example, {{mottled violet}text} designates a mottled single color pattern.
         Opalescent: A color with opalescent hue shadings, in the form {{opalescent <color>}text}.  For example, {{opalescent white}text} results in an opalescent color pattern.
         Pearly: A color with pearly hue shadings, in the form {{pearly <color>}text}.  For example, {{pearly red}text} produces a pearly color pattern.
         Polkadotted: One color with large dots of another color, in the form {{<color>-polkadotted <color>}text}.  For example, {{cyan-polkadotted pink}text} creates a polkadotted color pattern.
         Prismatic: A color with prismatic hue variations, in the form {{prismatic <color>}text}.  For example, {{prismatic orange}text} designates a prismatic color pattern.
         Runed: A base color with runic patterns of another color, in the form {{<color>-runed <color>}text}.  For example, {{blue-runed green}text} results in a runed color pattern.
         Shadowy: A shadowy shade of a color, in the form {{shadowy <color>}text}. For example, {{shadowy yellow}text} produces a shadowy color pattern.
         Shimmering Mixed: A color with shimmering highlights of another color, in the form {{<color>-shimmering <color>}text}.  For example, {{black-shimmering violet}text} creates a shimmering mixed color pattern.
         Shimmering Single: A color of shimmering hue, in the form {{shimmering <color>}text}.  For example, {{shimmering white}text} designates a shimmering single color pattern.
         Sparkling: A base color with sparkling highlights, in the form {{sparkling <color>}text}.  For example, {{sparkling red}text} results in a sparkling color pattern.
         Spattered: A base color spattered with another color, in the form {{<color>-spattered <color>}text}.  For example, {{cyan-spattered pink}text} produces a spattered color pattern.
         Speckled: One color with occasional speckles of another color, in the form {{<color>-speckled <color>}text}.  For example, {{orange-speckled blue}text} creates a speckled color pattern.
         Splotched: A base color with splotchy areas of another color, in the form {{<color>-splotched <color>}text}.  For example, {{green-splotched yellow}text} designates a splotched color pattern.
         Spotted: One color with intermittent spots of another color, in the form {{<color>-spotted <color>}text}.  For example, {{black-spotted violet}text} results in a spotted color pattern.
         Stained: A base color with stains of another color, in the form {{<color>-stained <color>}text}.  For example, {{white-stained red}text} produces a stained color pattern.
         Streaked: A base color with streaks of another color, in the form {{<color>-streaked <color>}text}.  For example, {{cyan-streaked pink}text} creates a streaked color pattern.
         Striped: A base color with regular stripes of another color, in the form {{<color>-striped <color>}text}.  For example, {{orange-striped blue}text} designates a striped color pattern.
         Swirling: A color with swirling hue patterns, in the form {{swirling <color>}text}.  For example, {{swirling green}text} results in a swirling color pattern.
         Tabby: A base color with tabby stripes, in the form {{<color> tabby}text}. For example, {{yellow tabby}text} produces a tabby color pattern.
         Tartan: A single color in tartan-style variations, in the form {{<color> tartan}text}.  For example, {{black tartan}text} creates a tartan color pattern.
         Tinged: A color with a tinge of another color, in the form {{<color>-tinged <color>}text}.  For example, {{violet-tinged white}text} designates a tinged color pattern.
         Tinted: A base color with a tint of another color, in the form {{<color>-tinted <color>}text}.  For example, {{red-tinted cyan}text} results in a tinted color pattern.
         Traced: A base color with traceries of another color, in the form {{<color>-traced <color>}text}.  For example, {{pink-traced orange}text} produces a traced color pattern.
         Veined: A base color with veins of another color, in the form {{<color>-veined <color>}text}.  For example, {{blue-veined green}text} creates a veined color pattern.
  • On an ordinary ANSI terminal, it may not be clear why many of these alternate forms of color pattern are available. Many of them are provided so that client software will be able to render them in a more detailed form than is possible in simple text. So it may be that a spotted color pattern is much the same as a sequence, to an ANSI terminal, but a client could render the text as actually spotted rather than simply using alternating colors. Use the

color pattern form that most closely describes the effect you want to achieve.

  • Lastly, there is a set of abstract color styles that you can set to appear however you like. This lets you customize the appearance of the elements of the Lost Souls interface that use them. Styles are customized using the set command; see 'help set color style' for details. The color styles are:
         alert: low              alert: medium           alert: high          
         interface: base         interface: contrast     interface: mute      
         interface: error        layout: border          layout: section      
         layout: label           layout: value           layout: text         
         layout: table head      layout: title           layout: table index  
         layout: table cell      layout: deemphasis      layout: extended text
         status: enhancement     status: safety          status: risk         
         status: danger          status: failure         status: loss         
  • The Lost Souls color system provides an extensive set of capabilities that

can spice up the visual aspect of play when used with care. We hope that you will use the system's power to enhance the quality of the game for yourself and others.