Hyperion (ELF Invocation)

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Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Leolla is back from the front!!!!!!

This whole invocation is somewhat a spoiler! You ain't seen nothing yet!


Invocation Text

"You screech, >Io Hyperion, he who goes above! Io Hyperion he who watches from above! Let your radiance shield me and devour the darkness!<"

 [ Type                   : ] kathexon
 [ Portfolio              : ] radiance
 [ Disposition            : ] insane from eons of transcendent rage
 [ Offerings Desired      : ] light-giving things
 [ Spirit Point Cost      : ] one hundred to two hundred
 [ Requirements to Invoke : ] have at least 400 points among theology skill, arcane lore skill, elder lore skill, 20% of legend lore
   skill and 20% of cosmology skill
 [ General Information    : ] While it is not uncommon knowledge among the people of Aedaris that the sun has a proper name,
   Hyperion, what is not common knowledge is, first, that this is the name of an ancient god of radiance from the time before the
   world, and second, that this is the proper name for the sun because the sun is Hyperion himself, imprisoned in a crystal
   sphere by the gods Apollo, Surya, and Tonatiuh.  Held prisoner for untold ages, Hyperion has long since sunk into utter
   madness; the light of the sun is generated by his endless battering at his unbreakable cage.  Invoking him is, as might be
   expected, difficult and extremely dangerous; even if the mad god regards one favorably, simply coming into contact with his
   towering insanity can have severe consequences for one's own mental health.  The outpouring of his rage into a combat
   situation can be awe-inspiring, however, and he has sent lethal sun-dwelling creatures to aid successful invokers, as well as
   balls of energy, like miniature suns, that seem to be *powered* by madness.  A word to the wise: making contact with Hyperion
   while any trace of the power of his imprisoners is upon you is nothing short of suicidal, and so much as drawing said
   imprisoners' attention to your knowledge of invoking Hyperion invites their swift rectification of a situation they find

Stuff about it

See that big wall of text? Isn't it cool! Read it! The other gods are escared of him! See the parts about not letting the other gods know?

Being buffed by Apollo and trying to invoke

AKA -- "what not to do"!

A vast, booming voice resounds in your mind with the single word, "APOOOOOOOOOOOLLOOOOOOOOO!", carrying with it such a weight of rage and madness as to threaten to drive out all trace of your own thoughts.

> A ring of warped reality forms in the air above you, and a massive torrent of ravening golden fiery energy pours forth from it.
You are blasted apart, though you resist the attack somewhat.
Your right wing is reduced to component atoms.
Your paraquerlos is torn from you.
Your left wing is seared into uselessness.
You have been stunned by the pain and trauma.
You have been blinded.
The beelzebug's thorax, left wing, left midleg, left midclaw, abdomen, left hindleg and left hindclaw are boiled away.
The beelzebug has been stunned.
A Dark Young's right leg is blasted apart, and it is slightly staggered by the attack.
A Dark Young resists being stunned.
A Dark Young's left hindtentacle, trunk and middle leg are blasted apart, and it is slightly staggered by the attack.
A Dark Young has been stunned.
A gogtzul's head and right tentacles are boiled away.
A gogtzul resists being stunned.
A Dark Young's foretentacles and trunk are blasted apart, and it is slightly staggered by the attack.
A Dark Young's right foretentacle is seared into uselessness.
A Dark Young's left foretentacle is seared into uselessness.
A Dark Young has been mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.
A Dark Young has been stunned.
A gphodrukth's chest, left arm, left claw and left leg are blasted apart.
A gphodrukth has been stunned.
A gphodrukth's right leg and right foot are seared away.
A gphodrukth has been stunned.
A gogtzul's left arm is blasted apart.
A gogtzul resists being stunned.
The apagion's glow is seared away, though it resists the attack.

And now.. invoking Apollo afterwards

AKA "The Jig is Up"

AKA "Cheese it, it's the Gods!"

You bluster, "Apollo Delian, come to my succor! Apollo Pythian aid me against my foes. Apollo Phoebus, I call on the might of the shining sun" in Erisian. The invocation seems fruitless, but you have a sense of foreboding...

an empty white space
All around is an empty whiteness that seems to stretch forever in all directions.
The pull of gravity seems to be completely absent. The area is reasonably well-lit.
There are no obvious exits.
Some immense power holds you utterly unable to act.

> A serene, rich, powerful voice in your mind says, |- Greetings, Leolla. You find yourself in this place because you have sought out and found knowledge which is forbidden, knowledge which must not be left in the hands of mortals. -|
You feel a presence probing gently at the boundaries of your mind.
The voice in your mind says, |- You may be blameless in this. You may have stumbled upon these secrets all unaware. Because of this, I will take care that their excision from your consciousness does not do excessive harm. -|
Some immense power holds you utterly unable to act.
> The presence moves slowly into your mind.
The voice in your mind says, |- Make yourself ready as best you can, and remain calm. This will all be over soon. -|
Some immense power holds you utterly unable to act.
You dimly sense knowledge disappearing from your mind, memories and associations and ideas fading away as if they had never been.
You feel yourself become strangely tongue-tied.
The voice in your mind says, |- It is done. Seek no more to uncover what should remain hidden. It is the will of the gods. -|

And for good measure, invoking Tonatiuh

You roar, -_ Bloody-handed god of the searing sun, Tonatiuh, hear me and bring your might to bear! _- in lyrically-accented Anglic.
The invocation seems fruitless, but you have a sense of foreboding...

an empty golden space
All around is an empty golden-hued space that seems to stretch forever in all directions.
The pull of gravity seems to be completely absent.
The area is brightly lit.
There are no obvious exits.

A harsh, angry, powerful voice in your mind says, <* You are here because you know that which is not permitted. This will not continue. *>
You feel a presence probing at the boundaries of your mind.
The voice in your mind says, <* You may protest that you did not know it was forbidden. And this may be true. And it is only for this reason that I will restrain myself from smashing your feeble mortal mind apart. *>
The presence moves roughly into your mind.
You feel slightly bored.
The voice in your mind says, <* Ready yourself. *>
You dimly sense knowledge being torn from your mind, memories and associations and ideas being destroyed as if they had never existed.
You feel yourself become strangely tongue-tied.
You are no longer able to invoke the kathexon Hyperion and the lloigor Nyarlathotep.
The voice in your mind says, <* There. Better. Desist now from seeking what I have taken from you. It is the will of the gods. *>

Invoking Tonatiuh again after that! Why would you do this?!

You reverberate, -> Bloody-handed god of the searing sun, Tonatiuh, hear me and bring your aif to bear! <- in lyrically-accented Anglic.
You can sense the energies you are sending outward going askew because of your garbled invocation.
The invocation seems fruitless, but you have a sense of foreboding...
You cannot continue meditating because you are moving.
You stop meditating.
You feel a bit groggy, coming out of your meditative state.

an empty golden space
All around is an empty golden-hued space that seems to stretch forever in all directions. The pull of gravity seems to be completely absent.
The area is brightly lit.
There are no obvious exits.

The sphere of golden plasma circling you vanishes.
A harsh, angry, powerful voice in your mind says, <* You. You will suffer. *>
You feel a presence pressing harshly upon the boundaries of your mind.
The voice in your mind says, <* You were warned, and still defy me. I will crush the knowledge from your mind like seeds from a grape, and let the crippling of your thoughts and will teach you obedience. *>
You feel less groggy.
The presence moves violently into your mind.
The left side of your face goes almost completely numb.
The voice in your mind says, <* I will enjoy this. *>
You dimly sense knowledge being torn from your mind, memories and associations and ideas being destroyed as if they had never existed.
You feel tired and sad, without the energy to be interested in anything.
You are no longer able to invoke the demigods Cthulhu and Hakkax, the gods Ares, Cernunnos, Dionysos, Doppel, Ganesha, Jinx, Kalkin, Krishna, Loki, Shiva, and Tonatiuh, the goddesses Fortuna, Hecate, Kali, Nuit, and Tolmet, the kathexoi Arioch, Hyperion, Khorne, Pyraray, Slaanesh, Tzeench, Ugior, Xiombarg, and Ygelleth, and the lloigor Hastur, Nyarlathotep, and Tsathoggua.
The voice in your mind says, <* Ha! A fine entertainment. Perhaps what is left of your shattered mind will one day seek to defy me once more. That would be amusing. *>

(Note, this *completely* wipes your elder lore, theology, and arcane lore skills, plus probably others, as well as causing permanent int damage. You do *not* want to do this, seriously, make an alias that prevents invoking either apollo or tonatiuh, especially if you've already done it once.)

What it does

Out of combat: Mr. Shiny will give you a hyperiad or sunfish to kill things with. They're big insane plasma being things. Full of heat and rage and hurtiness, with no pie in sight! He'll also make you crazy. Who doesn't love that? I laugh at mental health! Ha, ha! And so do I!

The hyperiad does some, er, goldish coloured damage type (some sort of plasma?), and waves of light damage. The sunfish does some, uh, reddish coloured damage(heat?). If your sunfish gets mortally wounded, attack it with your hyperiad! It's fun! (Nothing bad'll happen. Pinky swear!)

Also will give you "A sphere of golden plasma circles through the air near you in an erratic orbit." "This is a sphere of golden plasma that circles through the air near you in an erratic orbit. It appears to be composed of a few thin streamers of lightning, a few thin wisps of auroric radiance and a few thin wisps of prismatic radiance. It looks about four fifths of a dimin across. It is giving off light." No idea what that does, but it's fun!

77% plasma, 15% dweomer, 8% shekhinam

In combat, he devastates things! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go run...

..Leolla, on the lam!

End of spoiler information.
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