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 Rarity: Very Rare
   Plural: Aurumvoraxes
   Anatomy: Clawed Octoped
   Harm Skills:
       Animal Lore  57%
       Anatomy      43%

   No specific help is available for this race.

   Development Information: The aurumvorax race was created by Chaos, who
wishes to credit TSR Games as inspiring this work; the source code was last
updated Wed May 17 14:26:52 2023.

Apparently "gold-eating badgers", that also have eight legs. They may be a playable race. More details needed. One may require developer assistance for this.

You say, "change my race to aurumvorax" in beautifully-accented Anglic.

   Kurd states, ' An aurumvorax body would be psychically incompatible with
your Amberite mind, Lyrne.  You wouldn't make it. ' to you.

Vivisecting didn't work from a normal, "psychic" or "psychically alien" race. Maybe some special requirement or method. Aurumvoraxes may still be either psychic or psychically alien.

Apoagoatl is a level 15 Kazarak.

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