User talk:Aedhan

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I find it eaiser to help someone if I can whois them to see what race/guild/assoc they play to 1. see if I can even help (an amberite justicar follower of apollo I'd be no help with) and 2. see who else they play so I know what we've already talked about. But if you don't want to show your info thats fine with me if you ask for help I'll do my best it may just take a little longer. Zia's player's 2 cents Foy 20:21, 14 May 2008 (EDT)

Yeah I'm not disputing the usefulness of it, and honestly I was considering reverting to an open atman until this came up (considering meaning, oh yeah I'll do it next time then forgetting). I just didn't like this conversation one bit do this or suffer the consequences. --Aedhan 11:10, 15 May 2008 (EDT)

If by "suffer the consequences" you mean, not receive help from said player, that is understandable, because it is ultimately their decision, weither to help or not. I don't think anyone is challenging your right to keep your atman undisclosed. I also don't by any means think that anyone is required to help anyone, their right to refuse to help you is just as important imho as you choosing to keep your atman undisclosed.--Eyerish 23:11, 18 May 2008 (EDT)

I agree it's their choice to help someone or not. I just disagree with it being over this particular matter. I don't want to help you because I'm busy, or even I don't want to help you because I think you're an ass, ok. But I don't want to help you because you're hiding your atman /is/ robbing people of a choice (albeit in my opinion a very silly one). It's margenlizing and forcing people to conform to a certain way other people /think/ the way the game should operate. And that I object to. --Aedhan 11:28, 19 May 2008 (EDT)

Once again, no one is robbing you of a choice... Because, obviously, you are still making the choice to hide your atman(so no choice has been robbed)... If you are refusing to accomadate their request, and you don't get the service from them that you want, oh well, either re-evaluate your stance on keeping the atman visable, or don't recieve help from said player. I personally dont care if somone has an atman hidden or not, if they ask me for help, i'd try to help, just because i had/still have a really hard time with LS myself.--Eyerish 19:09, 19 May 2008 (EDT)

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