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  • Location: Wandering
  • Occupation: Art Teacher
  • Look
This is a male dwarf with silvery skin, black hair, and silvery eyes.  He
is rather lean for a dwarf, gaggling about with great charisma and flare,
yet, a strange glint of aesthetic sense twinkles delecately from he eyes. 
Trenck Xusttam was once known as a man with impeccable artistic and forging
proficiencies, his talents known far and wide; however, his recently
developed tremulous demeanor has rendered his endeavours off-colour and
troublesome. Never-the-less, his goal remains constant -- to share his gifts
with the world.  
  • Info
 Trenck is an instructor and responds to the following verbal commands:
   Availability inquiry: Trenck, what will you teach me?
   Cost inquiry:         Trenck, what would a lesson in <subject> cost?
   Instruction request:  Trenck, teach me <subject(s)>.
  • Trains
the art of calligraphy
the art of drawing
musical composition
the art of painting
the art of poetry
the art of sculpture
playing stringed instruments
playing wind instruments
  • Notes
    • aka Trenck Silverfist
Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Sometimes Trenck will be shaking and unable to train certain skills -- try giving him booze.

End of spoiler information.