Haughwan (Race)

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   The Haughwan Race
   Rarity: Exotic
   Plural: Haughwana
   Collective Term: a copse of haughwana
   Anatomy: Eight-Branched Dendromorph
   Sexes: Hermaphrodite
   Harm Skills:
       Plant Lore    34%
       Carving       17%
       Empathy       17%
       Intimidation  17%
       Sculpture      8%
       Torture        7%
   Haughwana are a race of large, sentient trees with gemstone eyes and
flexible branches, with which they speak and manipulate objects around them.
   They, like their cousins the Aethossa, are known to have inhabited the
forests of the world since the beginning of recorded history, and they share
many traits such as linguistic aptitude and strength of body and mind, though
their sessility greatly hinders any would-be mobility.
   Thanks to their more sedentary lifestyle they tend to grow larger, and
have a deeper connection to the lands they inhabit.
   Development Information: The haughwan race was created by Chaos and
Ambidexter and is maintained by Benerius; the source code was last updated Wed
Dec 28 17:37:48 2016.
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