Thunderforge (Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris spell)

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> Ordo Zephyrius Mutatoris Spell: Thunderforge

   Relevant Attributes: two parts intelligence, two parts charisma and one part dexterity
   Relevant Skills: five parts enchantment, three parts aeromancy, three parts prestidigitation and two parts evocation
   Rating Requirement: two hundred
   Effective Maximum Rating: eight hundred
   Difficulty: difficult
   Form of Evocation:
   Base Energy Costs: one hundred points of spiritual energy and thirty points of electricity
   This spell allows the caster to draw upon the raw power of lightning, and through their delicate magicks interweave that energy into the wielded weapons of themselves and their friends.  

This energy once imbued charges the weapon with fierce electrical energy that will discharge into an enemy once struck. Naturally any weapon able to accept this power must be conductive to electricity.

   Development Information: This spell was created by Erebus and is maintained by Twilight; the source code was last updated Sun Jul 12 19:32:35 2009.
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