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   Trait Type: Definition

One's respiration trait determines how one breathes, which has a number of consequences: what environments one can breathe in, how efficient one's breathing is in those environments, and so on. The most common means of respiration is simple air-breathing lungs, but a variety of other methods of breathing exist.

Development Information: The respiration trait was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Wed Jan 31 04:34:13 2007.

Respiration Types

Lung: Creature breathes air through its lungs. Gill: Creature breathes water through its gills Spiracle: Creature breathes air through its spiracles. Aqualung: Creature breathes air and water through its lungs. Aerogill: Creature breathes air and water through its gills. Polyspiracle: Creature breathes air and water through its spiracles. Membrane: Creature breathes air and water through an osmotic membrane. Foliage: Creature breathes air through its leaves and water through its roots. Internal: Creature's breathing is self-contained, and can survive in any environment. None: Creature does not need to breathe.

See Also: breath