Ammok meets Cthulhu's bodyguards

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Lord Badt'key glides toward you menacingly.
Lord Badt'key connects with incredible precision and tickles your left arm energetically with hir tail, despite your attempt to deflect it with your 
Your diamond manifold stone glows with a pure white light.
Your wounds heal.
You believe that Lord Badt'key has found a weakness in your left foot.
The muladhara chakra between your legs is dissociated.
The anahata chakra on your upper chest is randomized.
The vishuddha chakra on your throat is catabolized.
The sahasrara chakra above your head is catabolized.
The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is randomized.
The ajna chakra on your forehead is catabolized.
The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is randomized.
Lord Badt'key's forehead emits a wave of silvery energy into you, catching you in the heart of the flood with incredible control and pounding you, 
despite your attempt to dodge, and you are affected very severely by the attack.
You cannot continue meditating because you have been injured.
You stop meditating.
You feel a bit groggy, coming out of your meditative state.
You have been blinded.
The world goes silent.
[ Spirit: 3205.5/3320  Water: 247.1/287.6  Order: 547.8/613.5  Endurance: 3365  Speed: 70  Head: 192.3/216.9  Chest: 468.2/477.1 ]
You find a weakness in Lord Badt'key's chest.
<§> Ice Blaster <§> advances toward Lord Badt'key, smoke rising from his nostrils.
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  strides threateningly toward Lord Badt'key.
<§>  Arcane  <§>  strides threateningly toward Lord Badt'key.
<§> Meg <§> connects reasonably well and pokes Lord Badt'key's chest with her beak, despite hir attempt to dodge, though sie is largely unaffected by 
the attack.
Lord Badt'key connects precisely and rips your head apart with hir left claw, despite your attempt to deflect it with your ocean-blue-osprey-inscribed 
iron tessen, though you
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
Your Millenarian banded left bracer glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
Your white leather dactid glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
Your hearing returns.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The fifth mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
[ Spirit: 3202/3320  Water: 245/287.6  Order: 547.2/613.5  Endurance: 3346.7/3365  Speed: 70  Head: 195/216.9  Chest: 472.3/477.1 ]
Your white leather dactid glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
You believe that Lord Badt'key has found a weakness in your left foot.
Lord Badt'key accidentally hitting <§> Ice Blaster <§>, connects precisely and mauls <§> Ice Blaster <§>'s left wing with hir left foot, despite his 
attempt to block it with his
Lord Badt'key barely connects and mauls your right hand with hir left claw, despite your attempt to deflect it with your ocean-blue-osprey-inscribed 
iron tessen, though you
The muladhara chakra between your legs is disintegrated.
The anahata chakra on your upper chest is disintegrated.
The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is disintegrated.
The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is disintegrated.
Lord Badt'key's forehead emits a wave of silvery energy into you, catching you in the heart of the flood and pummelling you, despite your attempt to  
dodge, and you are affected very severely by the attack.
You have been stunned by the pain and trauma.
The world goes silent.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  stops resting.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of bright orange energy  
bursts from his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  faces toward Lord Badt'key, feet apart, and begins to wave his arms about wildly, making odd motions with his hands.    
It's quite confusing.  Suddenly he loudly chants 'GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE GOBBLE!'  It's quite strange, and it's hard to discern what the point of 
it was.
Your command has been queued for after you recover from being stunned.
[ Spirit: 3194.5/3321  Water: 245/287.6  Order: 546.6/613.5  Endurance: 3323.6/3361  Speed: 70  Head: 195.1/216.2  Chest: 377.8/475.7 ]
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The sixth mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
iron tessen, though you resist the attack slightly.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of dark gray energy bursts 
from his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
Some of Lord Badt'key's wounds heal.
Your blue star morning glory glows, and a halo of golden moonlight forms around Lord Badt'key, catches <§>  Nemesys  <§>  in a sizable part of the  
halo and realigns <§>  Nemesys 
Lord Badt'key accidentally hitting <§> Ice Blaster <§>, connects quite skillfully and mauls <§> Ice Blaster <§>'s left foreleg with hir left foot, 
despite his attempt to block it
Lord Badt'key connects with superb precision and tickles your left leg energetically with hir tail, despite your attempt to block it with your left
hand, and you are affected
<§> 's head, chest, arms, left leg, and left foot, despite his attempt to dodge, though he resists the attack slightly.
You feel less groggy.
Your hearing returns.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The second mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
[ Spirit: 3209/3321  Water: 245/287.6  Order: 551.3/613.5  Endurance: 3320.8/3361  Speed: 73  Head: 195.4/216.2  Chest: 383.5/475.7 ]

<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
Your diamond manifold stone glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
Lord Badt'key connects with remarkable precision and rips your chest apart with hir right foot, despite your attempt to block it with your left hand, 
and you are affected
Lord Badt'key connects with amazing precision and rips your right leg apart with hir left claw, despite your attempt to block it with your left hand, 
and you are affected
You believe that Lord Badt'key has found a weakness in your left foot.
The muladhara chakra between your legs is dissociated.
The anahata chakra on your upper chest is deconstructed.
The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is deconstructed.
The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is deconstructed.
Lord Badt'key's forehead emits a wave of silvery energy into you, catching you at the edge of the flood and pounding you, despite your attempt to  
dodge, and you are affected very severely by the attack.
You have been stunned by the pain and trauma.
The world goes silent.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of bright red energy bursts  
from his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
Your hearing returns.
Your command has been queued for after you recover from being stunned.
[ Spirit: 3207.4/3321  Water: 242.9/287.6  Order: 551.3/613.5  Endurance: 3303.6/3355  Speed: 73  Head: 195.3/216.2  Chest: 340.7/475.6 ]
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
Real large golden leather phylactery of the stars glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
Your Millenarian banded left greave glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
resist the attack slightly.
You have been stunned by the pain and trauma.
The world goes silent.
You feel sluggish.

[ Spirit: 3199.4/3321 Water: 242.9/287.6 Order: 550.4/613.5 Endurance: 3278.9/3355 Speed: 72 Head: 145.7/216.2 Chest: 350.5/475.6 ]

An explosive blast of black frost explodes from your ocean blue pine wand toward Lord Badt'key, catches hir in a quite sizable part of the blast and 
slams Lord Badt'key's head, chest, left wing, and legs, despite hir attempt to dodge, though sie resists the attack.
An explosive blast of black frost explodes from your ocean blue pine wand toward Lord Badt'key, catches hir in a fair part of the blast and smashes 
Lord Badt'key's chest violently, despite hir attempt to dodge, though sie resists the attack.
An explosive blast of black frost explodes from your ocean blue pine wand toward Lord Badt'key, catches hir in a fair part of the blast and slams Lord 
Badt'key's head, chest, left wing, right arm, and right leg, despite hir attempt to dodge, though sie resists the attack.
You see <§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaim, \| ... Yehovah, ... your ... |/
You see <§>  Arcane  <§>  exclaim, [- Lord ... ... ... ... -]
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
You feel less sluggish.
Your hearing returns. 

[ Spirit: 3198.4/3321 Water: 240.8/287.6 Order: 550.4/613.5 Endurance: 3260.6/3355 Speed: 73 Head: 145.7/216.2 Chest: 350.5/475.6 ]

You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The sixth mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You send an intention outward into the ninth of your many motes of ocean blue light to release its mimetic principle into Lord Badt'key.
A shaft of sephirotic light shines from one of the motes of ocean blue light around you upon Lord Badt'key's head and chest, catching hir in a quite  
sizable part of the shaft and exorcising them, despite hir attempt to dodge, and sie is affected severely by the attack.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You send an intention outward into the eighth of your many motes of ocean blue light to release its mimetic principle into Lord Badt'key.
A shaft of sephirotic light shines from one of the motes of ocean blue light around you toward Lord Badt'key, but sie dodges.
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of navy energy bursts from  
his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
Some of Lord Badt'key's wounds heal.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of bright red energy bursts  
from his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
Some of Lord Badt'key's wounds heal.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You send an intention outward into the ninth of your many motes of ocean blue light to release its mimetic principle into Lord Badt'key.
A shaft of sephirotic light shines from one of the motes of ocean blue light around you toward Lord Badt'key, but sie dodges. 
[ Spirit: 3190.9/3321  Water: 240.8/287.6  Order: 512.6/613.5  Endurance: 3242.3/3355  Speed: 73  Head: 145.7/216.2  Chest: 350 .5/475.6 ]
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
Your Millenarian banded left bracer glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
resist the attack slightly.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of blue energy bursts from  
his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key. 
[ Spirit: 3156.9/3321  Water: 240.8/287.6  Order: 512/613.5  Endurance: 3217.6/3355  Speed: 73  Head: 145.9/216.2  Chest: 352.8/475.6 ]
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/ 
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
Your Millenarian banded right greave glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of azure energy bursts from  
his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The fifth mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The sixth mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
[ Spirit: 3146.3/3321  Water: 240.8/287.6  Order: 511.4/613.5  Endurance: 3193.4/3355  Speed: 73  Head: 146.1/216.2  Chest: 353.9/475.6 ]
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
Lord Badt'key shimmers.
You feel a hideous pressure in your mind, with strange, painful energies coursing and swirling through you.
Your cotton kineitid glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
Your Millenarian banded breastplate glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
Your Millenarian banded right bracer glows with a pure white light.
Some of your wounds heal.
You believe that Lord Badt'key has found a weakness in your left foot.
The muladhara chakra between your legs is disintegrated.
The anahata chakra on your upper chest is disintegrated.
The vishuddha chakra on your throat is dissociated.
The sahasrara chakra above your head is dissociated.
The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is disintegrated.
The ajna chakra on your forehead is dissociated.
The padme chakra on your right palm is catabolized.
The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is disintegrated.
Lord Badt'key's forehead emits a wave of silvery energy into you, catching you in the heart of the flood with superb control and blasting you 
devastatingly, despite your attempt to dodge, and you are affected very severely by the attack.
You have been stunned by the pain and trauma.
The world goes silent.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of brown energy bursts from  
his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
Some of Lord Badt'key's wounds heal.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of bright blue energy bursts 
from his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
Your hearing returns.
Your command has been queued for after you recover from being stunned.
[ Spirit: 3144.3/3320  Water: 238.7/287.3  Order: 511.4/613.2  Endurance: 3176.2/3344  Speed: 71  Head: 84.7/215.5  Chest: 189.7/474 ]
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
[ Spirit: 3167.2/3320  Water: 238.7/287.3  Order: 516/613.2  Endurance: 3173.8/3344  Speed: 71  Head: 85.2/215.5  Chest: 195.1/474 ]
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The first mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
You quietly say, [- confuse -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
You quietly say, [- channel feeble adrenal negative chaos into all opponents -] to <§>   Captain Chaotic   <§> .
The second mote in your many motes of ocean blue light is not mimetically impressed.
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
<§>  Nemesys  <§>  exclaims, \| Lord Yehovah, aid your servant! |/
Lord Badt'key stares at you intently.
You are wracked with indescribable pain as a wave of tremendous heat flows through your body; you feel as if you are being cooked from the inside out.
You believe that Lord Badt'key has found a weakness in your left foot.
Your right arm and right hand are vaporized.
Your Millenarian banded right bracer is torn from you.
As you remove your Millenarian banded right bracer, the faint aura around it and your plate, bracer, and pair of greaves dissipates.
You feel the tremendous energy dissipate from your body.
You feel the protective energy around you dissipate.
You feel clumsier.
Your ocean blue pine wand is torn from your grasp.
The strange currents shaping your soul ebb and fade.
Your white steel greater ring of martial arts is torn from you.
Your white leather dactid is torn from you.
You drop your Millenarian banded right bracer, ocean blue pine wand, white steel greater ring of martial arts, and white leather dactid.
Your left arm is seared into uselessness.
Your ocean-blue-osprey-inscribed iron tessen is torn from your grasp.
You drop your ocean-blue-osprey-inscribed iron tessen.
Your left hand is vaporized.
Your small sandalwood major ring of order affinity is torn from you.
You drop your small sandalwood major ring of order affinity.
Your right leg is seared into uselessness.
Your left leg and left foot are vaporized.
Your Millenarian banded left greave is torn from you.
You drop your Millenarian banded left greave.
Your right foot is vaporized.
Your golden osprey feather eolian anklet is torn from you.
You drop your golden osprey feather eolian anklet.
Your tail of articulated ocean blue amber writhes and wavers.
Real large golden leather phylactery of the stars is torn from you.
You feel less spiritually elevated.
Your blue star morning glory is torn from your grasp.
Your tail of articulated ocean blue amber twitches, flickers, and dissolves into a cloud of ocean blue sparks that fade into the surrounding air.
You have been stunned.
You are affected very severely by the attack.
The muladhara chakra between your legs is disintegrated.
The anahata chakra on your upper chest is disintegrated.
The vishuddha chakra on your throat is catabolized.
The sahasrara chakra above your head is catabolized.
The manipura chakra on your solar plexus is disintegrated.
The ajna chakra on your forehead is catabolized.
The svadhisthana chakra on your lower abdomen is disintegrated.
Lord Badt'key's forehead emits a wave of silvery energy into you, catching you in the heart of the flood with incredible control and blasting you 
devastatingly, and you are affected very severely by the attack.
Your Millenarian banded left bracer is torn from you.
As you remove your Millenarian banded left bracer, the insignias on it and your plate and greave stop pulsing.
The overpowering sense of awareness that had come over you departs.
Your left arm is torn off.
You lose your Millenarian banded left bracer with your left arm.
Your Millenarian banded right greave is torn from you.
As you remove your Millenarian banded right greave, the insignias on it and your plate stop glowing.
You feel the energies enhancing your defensive skills depart.
Your right leg is torn off.
You lose your Millenarian banded right greave with your right leg.
You have been stunned.
You feel sluggish.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of red energy bursts from 
his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
<§>   Captain Chaotic   <§>  locks his fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of bright blue energy bursts  
from his out-facing palms and strikes Lord Badt'key, washing over, around, and through hir body.
The stream of destructive-looking energy seems to strengthen Lord Badt'key.
Your body fails to obey you. 

Your golden ioun diamond of order favour wobbles and shudders.
The golden ioun diamond of order favour falls to the ground.
Your piece of ioun rhodonite of chaos favour wobbles and shudders.
The piece of ioun rhodonite of chaos favour falls to the ground.
You feel the current of spiritual energy flowing into you taper and cease.
You sense the current of additional information about your environment taper.
You feel a current in your mind subside, taking with it your heighted sense of awareness.
The thin mist of sparkling water vapor lingering around you dissipates.
You are mutilated, and you are affected somewhat severely by the attack.
Your head is sliced off.
You have been stunned.
You feel more sluggish.

You die.