Zakhara vs. Mistre

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   Mistre clatters, -ready?- in lyrically-accented Anglic.
   You nod.
   Mistre locks her fingers into a strange position and appears to concentrate, and suddenly a stream of gray energy bursts from her out-facing
   palms and strikes you, washing over, around, and through your body.
   You are deconstructed, though you resist the attack.
   Your left hand is ripped apart.
   Your glowing green aurast saber is torn from your grasp.
   Your glowing green aurast saber snaps with a hiss as its blade of glowing green energy collapses back into its upward end.
   You drop your jade-set carbonite rod.
   You resist being stunned by the pain and trauma.
   You have been blinded.
   You resist being stunned.
   [ Spirit: 932/953  Endurance: 1206/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.6/72.4  Chest: 123/159.2 ]
   You connect reasonably well with your right wing, but it fails to affect the the breastplate of Mistre's diminutive dark yellow hide pteratectum.
   You connect fairly well with your left wing, but it fails to affect the the left legging and the left boot of Mistre's diminutive dark yellow hide pteratectum.
   You connect skillfully with your right hand, but it glances off the the left wingsheath of Mistre's diminutive hide pteratectum.
   You connect quite skillfully and bash Mistre's head with your right hand, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre has been stunned.
   Mistre is stunned.
   [ Spirit: 931/953  Endurance: 1206/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.6/72.4  Chest: 123/159.2 ]
   You throw an uppercut at Mistre with your right hand, but she dodges.
   Mistre fails to dodge your left wing, which connects fairly well but fails to affect the the right wingsheath of Mistre's diminutive hide pteratectum.
   You punch at Mistre with your right hand, connecting reasonably well despite her attempt to dodge, but the right gauntlet of your emerald-green plate suit glances off the the right sleeve of Mistre's diminutive dark violet hide pteratectum.
   You connect adequately and stimulate Mistre's chest with your right wing, despite her attempt to dodge, though she resists the attack.
   Mistre throws an uppercut at you with her left hand, but you dodge.
   Mistre is stunned.
   The area goes dark.
   [ Spirit: 931/953  Endurance: 1194.9/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.6/72.4  Chest: 123/159.2 ]
   You attack Mistre with your right wing, but she dodges.
   You attack Mistre with your right hand, but she dodges.
   You jab your left arm at Mistre, connect quite skillfully and smash Mistre's left leg with the elbow of the left sleeve of your emerald-green plate suit, despite her attempt to dodge, though she resists the attack slightly.
   You slam your head forward at Mistre, but she dodges.
   Mistre punches at you with her right hand, but you dodge.
   Mistre attacks you with her head, but you dodge.
   Mistre recovers from being stunned.
   You raise your right hand, sending bands of emerald energy to surround and restrain Mistre.
   [ Spirit: 891/953  Endurance: 1150.3/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.6/72.4  Chest: 123/159.2 ]
   You connect skillfully and bash Mistre's chest with your right hand, though she resists the attack slightly.
   You kick at Mistre with your left foot, connect fairly well and smash Mistre's left arm with the left boot of your emerald-green plate suit, though she resists the attack slightly.
   You attempt to gouge Mistre's eyes with your right hand, connecting well, but the right gauntlet of your emerald-green plate suit tickles the helm of Mistre's diminutive red hide pteratectum harmlessly.
   You connect skillfully and stimulate Mistre's right leg with your left wing, though she resists the attack.
   You extend your right hand toward Mistre, bathing her in a gout of emerald fire from your emerald ring.
   Mistre's head, chest, wings, arms, hands, legs, and feet are burnt, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre has been stunned.
   You extend your right hand, and an arc of emerald lightning erupts from your emerald ring toward Mistre.
   Mistre's head, chest, and right wing are zapped, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre's right wing is electrocuted into uselessness.
   Mistre has been stunned.
   [ Spirit: 818/953  Endurance: 1124.3/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.6/72.4  Chest: 123/159.2 ]
   Chaos energy from Mistre's diminutive field of crackling indigo energy surges into your chest, arms, hands, legs, and feet as your emerald-green plate suit passes through it.
   It fails to perturb your emerald-green plate suit.
   You kick at Mistre with your right foot, connecting precisely, but the right boot of your emerald-green plate suit glances off the the left legging of Mistre's diminutive white hide pteratectum.
   You attempt to gouge Mistre's eyes with your right hand, but miss.
   Mistre is stunned.
   [ Spirit: 814/953  Endurance: 1098.3/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.6/72.4  Chest: 123/159.2 ]
   Chaos energy from Mistre's diminutive field of crackling indigo energy surges into your chest, arms, hands, legs, and feet as your emerald-green plate suit passes through it.
   It fails to perturb your emerald-green plate suit.
   You punch at Mistre with your right hand, connect skillfully and bash Mistre's right leg with the right gauntlet of your emerald-green plate suit, though she resists the attack slightly.
   You connect well with your left wing, but it fails to affect the the right legging of Mistre's diminutive orange hide pteratectum.
   You attempt to gouge Mistre's eyes with your right hand, but miss.
   You connect skillfully and stimulate Mistre's chest and right leg with your left wing, though she resists the attack.
   You connect precisely with your right wing, but it fails to affect the the left wingsheath of Mistre's diminutive hide pteratectum.
   Mistre is stunned.
   You extend your right hand toward Mistre, bathing her in a gout of emerald fire from your emerald ring.
   Mistre's head, chest, wings, arms, hands, legs, and feet are scorched, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre has been stunned.
   [ Spirit: 793.6/953  Endurance: 1101.8/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.7/72.4  Chest: 126/159.2 ]
   You attempt to gouge Mistre's eyes with your right hand, but miss.
   You connect fairly well with your right hand, but it glances off the the left sleeve of Mistre's diminutive orange hide pteratectum.
   You connect well with your left wing, but it fails to affect the the breastplate and the left sleeve of Mistre's diminutive hide pteratectum.
   Mistre is stunned.
   You extend your right hand toward Mistre, bathing her in a gout of emerald fire from your emerald ring.
   Mistre's head, chest, wings, arms, hands, legs, and feet are singed, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre has been stunned.
   [ Spirit: 760.6/953  Endurance: 1087/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.7/72.4  Chest: 126/159.2 ]
   You punch at Mistre with your right hand, connect quite skillfully and crush Mistre's chest brutally with the right gauntlet of your emerald-green plate suit, though she resists the attack slightly.
   You slam your head forward at Mistre, connect well and bash Mistre's right wing with your emerald-green plate helm, though she resists the attack slightly.
   You throw an uppercut at Mistre with your right hand, connect quite skillfully and wallop Mistre's left wing with the right gauntlet of your emerald-green plate suit, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre's left wing is broken.
   You kick at Mistre with your right foot, connect quite skillfully and pound Mistre's left leg with the right boot of your emerald-green plate suit, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre is stunned.
   A pulse of goetia expands from your small black leather phylactery of theosophy toward Mistre, catching her in a reasonable part of the pulse, but the pulse of goetia fails to affect Mistre's diminutive bright red hide pteratectum.
   You extend your right hand, and an arc of emerald lightning erupts from your emerald ring toward Mistre.
   Mistre's chest and left wing are electrocuted, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre has been mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.
   Mistre's left wing is blown off.
   Mistre's diminutive bright red hide pteratectum is torn from her.
   [ Spirit: 686.6/953  Endurance: 1049.8/1226  Speed: 72  Head: 65.7/72.4  Chest: 126/159.2 ]
   You connect precisely and wallop Mistre's right wing with your right hand, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre's right wing is torn off.
   You connect fairly well and stimulate Mistre's head and chest with your left wing, though she resists the attack.
   You kick at Mistre with your right foot, connect precisely and bash Mistre's right leg with the right boot of your emerald-green plate suit, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Mistre is engulfed by a spray of white seawater.
   Some of Mistre's wounds heal.
   The diminutive halo of flickering midnight blue light around Mistre gently fades away.
   Mistre disappears into the white sea spray.