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   Rarity: Exotic
   Plural: Pucks
   Collective Term: a wickedness of pucks
   Anatomy: Clawed Hoofed Anthropoid
   Sexes: Male
   Harm Skills:
       Anatomy       31%
       Intimidation  20%
       Legend Lore   20%
       Animal Lore   12%
       Empathy        8%
       Torture        8%

Pucks are among the more dangerous of the faerie folk. Near in stature to a human, they have bodies covered in long hair, backward-jointed legs each ending in a sharp goat-like hoof, and short but potentially lethal horns. As a people, they are known for being quick to take offense and vicious in reprisal, and many of their fey neighbors tread very carefully in their presence.

/------------------------------- The Puck Race -------------------------------\
| Attributes                Strength                  60 to 130               |
|                           Intelligence              50 to 110               |
|                           Constitution              50 to 120               |
|                           Dexterity                 60 to 120               |
|                           Willpower                 50 to 120               |
|                           Charisma                  20 to 120               |
|                           Perception                20 to 100               |
|                           Size                      47 to  61               |
| Typical Sexes                                       Male                    |
| Languages                 Native                    Aelvalie                |
| Specialty Access          Killer Instinct and       available: degree X,    |
|                           Unarmed Combat            bonus: degree II        |
|                           Quickness                 available: degree III,  |
|                                                     bonus: degree I         |
| Resistances               Temporal                  near-total resistance   |
| Traits                    Abstraction               Yes                     |
|                           Euphasia                  Yes                     |
|                           Sentience                 Anthropic               |
|                           Assimilativity            -1                      |
|                           Diet                      Organivore              |
|                           Genetic Integrity         -7                      |
|                           Luck                      6                       |
|                           Night Vision              1                       |
|                           Sadism                    2                       |
|                           Somatic Adaptability      3                       |
| Cultures and Homelands    Seelie                    Arborlon                |
| Physical Characteristics  Anatomy                   Clawed Hoofed           |
|                                                     Anthropoid              |
|                           Natural Weaponry          Superb                  |
|                           Other                     Bestial                 |
|                                                     Chimeric                |
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