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The ability of a mindblaster is a simple one: the power to project damaging bolts of mental energy. These blasts assault the victim on a psychic level, overloading him with a flood of violent psionic force. Some call this talent the "evil eye", as a powerful mindblaster can kill with no visible effort beyond looking at his victim.

The primary tool of the mindblaster is a simple psychic blast projected at an opponent. Another use of the talent, however, is the generation of a tremendous psychic scream that has devastating effects on every living thing nearby. This power was first observed in mindblasters who were under a great deal of stress in the heat of battle, but has since been duplicated under less desperate circumstances by skilled individuals.

Your level of ability with all aspects of the mindblaster talent is determined by your intelligence, your willpower, and your skills in the areas of telepathy and redaction.

To project a psychic blast, simply concentrate on psychically harming your target; you may refer simply to "my opponent" to target your current enemy. Concentrating on psychically screaming will enable you to do just that.

As your talent is telepathic in nature, you also have access to some elementary telepathic capabilities; see 'help basic telepathy' for more information.

If there is a neutral or hostile telepathic contact in existence between you
and the target of a mindblast, this will considerably aid your ability to harm
your victim; a contact from you to the target is much more useful, but one they
are maintaining with you can also be put to some use.  As a mindscream is a
very non-specific effect, individual psychic contacts do not affect it.
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