Aid Phyrra

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Standard Information

Phyrra, priestess at the Temple of Aeda in Avalon, needs supplies for invoking the benisons of her Goddess that she offers as services to petitioners. Visit her and ask her what she needs.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   Two
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: Two
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Zero
   This quest was created by Chaos.


Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

  • Go to the Temple of Aeda
  • Find Phyrra
  • Trust Phyrra
  • Have full sp
  • Say "prayer' in a language she understands (Anglic for sure)

Enjoy your new, hard earned quest points.

End of spoiler information.