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With fetch, you have the ability to reach out through the fabric of the world and search with your mind for whatever object you might wish -- and upon finding it, the power to pull it through space to you. Conversely, should you choose, you can also send objects away from you, finding a destination for them by psychic exploration.

Your level of facility at locating objects to retrieve is determined by your perception, your luck, and your skill in the discipline of metasenses; your ability to bring the object back once you've found it is a matter of your willpower, your luck, and your skill in translocation. Finding a suitable location for an object you wish to send away is similar to object location for retrieval; your chances of putting the object somewhere without those near the destination noticing it is determined by your perception, your luck, your intelligence, and your skill in translocation.

To attempt to retrieve an object, concentrate on needing one. For instance, if you wanted to find a sword, you could concentrate on needing a sword, or if you wanted something more specific, you could concentrate on needing a steel sword or a bronze sword. To send an object away from you, concentrate on sending it to the type of destination you would like. This can be a region, a species of creature, or a type of container; nothing more specific is possible. So once you had your sword, you could concentrate on sending it to a forest, or to an elf, or to a box, for example.

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