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Kreglth-Ulwu Strunthlg

   Summary: antidote gland
   Plural: Kreglth-Luwud
   Vorgaal: five
   Typical Fungmrul: moderate
   Required to Know: have at least 20 points among poison lore skill and biofeedback skill
   Required to Flgathl: have at least 40 points among poison lore skill and biofeedback skill
   Maximum Flgathu Formula: 2% of metamorphosis skill plus 1% of poison lore skill plus 1% of biofeedback skill
   Capabilities Affected: poison resistance
   Efficacy Formula: 20% of metamorphosis skill plus poison lore skill plus biofeedback skill, with diminishing returns on a scaling factor of
   Fl-n'gathl From: zath vorgaal

A kreglth-ulwu is a gland that adaptively synthesizes antidotes to toxic substances found in your vorgaal, greatly increasing your resistance to being poisoned.