Jing Shen (Empathic Bond)

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Bonding Requirements

Some amount of the Introspection skill seems to be important. There may be other skills that help you qualify, but they're undocumented. Exactly how much introspection is needed for this purpose is also unknown at this time.

Known Abilities

The jing shen is a creature hidden in a reality distortion native to the exoma, and is a dangerous combatant that's more than capable of displacing your limbs with contact from its vague center. They're small, intangible, have wingless flight, do not breathe or eat, and see with paravision.

Combat Bonuses


Telesmatic aura

The aura granted to the jing shen by the empathic bond enables a special attack based on the consort's affinities:

 A gout of surreal lightfire surges from the jing shen's body toward Chudek and incinerates his chest, despite his attempt to dodge.

Petting the familiar

You jing shen with your right hand.
You feel a sensation as of something tugging at you all through your body, but you resist the effect.
Your right hand is slashed by contact with the jing shen's shimmering light.

Attribute Modifications

The Jing Shen most likely grants its consort bonuses to certain attributes, but nobody has reported which.

Skill Effects



Initially the jing shen grants the following charms:

  • Urge
  • Social Charms
  • The ability to manifest a mirror shard. To do this, visualize a shard of a mirror reflecting my inner self [in the shape of a/an <cutting weapon>]. To end the effects of this charm, visualize a darkening mirror fading to nothingness.

Shortly after:

At "fairly healthy" to "robust" bond strength:

  • Starsee
  • Displacement Charm
  • The ability to analyze one's surroundings. To do this, visualize my surroundings as a set of abstract symbols. (acts like using the command survey with a panoramicon)

Additional Bonuses and Powers

Around "fairly healthy" bond strength, a new attack maneuver "Refract Image" is added. This attack does slashing damage with a high action cost. This attack has the same effect as the jing shen's shimmering light which teleports your opponent within the same room with a chance to cut off their limbs.

It is unconfirmed but bladed and piercing weapons might pass completely through you rather than cause damage.

Traits granted