Porphyria vs Zrael

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   As you move to attack Zrael, a look of sudden remembrance and confidence passes across Zrael's majestic face and her eyes flare with bright magenta energy.
   You attack Zrael.
   The Fist of the Damned whispers into your mind *~ Hmm, pray tell why even bother with such a lowly disgrace to life as Zrael? ~*.
   You are already attempting to strike at your opponent's heads.

> You do not know how to offer sacrifices to any 'Tolmat'.

  • Yes, I typoed 'tolmet', ffs.


   [ Head: 527.5  Chest: 1160.6  Goetic: 321/530.4  Spiritual: 3286.3/3324  Order: 178.6/328.4  Endurance: 3694.4/3703  Entropic: 125.2/293.2 Chaos: 30.6/251.5  Speed: 74 ]
   You vanish into the shadows.
   The Fist of the Damned whispers into your mind *~ Come now, claimant, must I do all your destruction for you? ~*.
  • Before anyone starts thinking Fist must be good, this is the sort of shit you have to put up with. All the fucking time.
   You feel a burst of energy from your soul shroud infuse your limbs.
   Zrael flails about wildly.
   Zrael gestures with her left foreclaw, and a wheel of geometric blades spins into your chest, regularizing it, despite your attempt to dodge, though you are barely affected by the attack.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's torso, damning it.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's tail, damning it.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Your wounds heal.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's right foreleg, damning it.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's tail.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.
   [ Head: 527.5  Chest: 1160.6  Goetic: 311.7/530.4  Pleasure: 2.8/965  Spiritual: 2705.2/3324  Order: 178.6/328.4  Endurance: 3685.9/3703 Entropic: 125.2/293.2  Chaos: 30.6/251.5  Speed: 81 ]
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   The cyan rune on apolekid undulates minutely.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's left hindleg, damning it.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's head.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's left hindleg, damnin35mg it.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.
   [ Head: 527.5  Chest: 1160.6  Goetic: 277.9/530.4  Pleasure: 3.0/965  Spiritual: 2673.3/3324  Order: 179.2/328.4  Endurance: 3676.8/3703 Entropic: 125.9/293.2  Chaos: 31.4/251.5  Speed: 81 ]
   You feel a burst of energy from your soul shroud reinforce the power infusing your limbs.
   Zrael moans, ~%( Was it you that was the end of me, someone? ]\+ in Xhax.
  • Spoiler alert: Yeah. Soon as the typoes stop.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Zrael moves her foreclaws in a complex pattern, and a field of entelechy forms around you and restabilizes you, despite your attempt to dodge, though you resist the attack somewhat.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Some of your wounds heal.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.

app kash offer dagger to tolmet

   You visualize yourself appearing.
   You are not rendering yourself invisible.
    You are already attacking Zrael.
   You are already attempting to strike at your opponent's heads.
    You lay the Holy Dagger of Amaterasu down before you.
   You spit, ~- Mistress Tolmet, Lady of Pain, grant unto this worthless, worm-like mortal the sweetness of your divine favor! -~ in Graecan.
   The Holy Dagger of Amaterasu disappears with an odd hushed rustle of wind.
   The Holy Dagger of Amaterasu disappears with a whisper of wind.
   The area goes suddenly and unnaturally quiet.
   Strange red-violet bubbles of energy coalesce fleetingly around Zrael.
   Zrael is existentially nullified, though she resists the attack slightly.
   Zrael's right wing is twisted and broken.
   Zrael's left wing is twisted and broken.
   You are overwhelmed by unbelievable pleasure.


   [ Head: 527.5  Chest: 1160.6  Goetic: 252.2/530.4  Pleasure: 98.2/965  Spiritual: 2589.7/3324  Order: 179.2/328.4  Endurance: 3669.8/3703  Entropic: 125.9/293.2  Chaos: 31.4/251.5  Speed: 81 ]
   Zrael hisses, ~%( Let us demonstrate that an eternity of knowledge is enough to best almost any foe. ]\+ in Xhax.
  • Aw yeah, Zrael is about to make shit get real...
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   The fractured spacetime clings to your chest.
   Zrael looks around frantically for someplace to flee.
   Zrael walks eastward.
  • By running away.
   You lift your right foot up, then drive it forward at Zrael with motes of sparkling light trailing behind it and spiritually nullify her torso, though she resists the attack somewhat.


   Your brahmanda-prakasa expands and contracts suddenly.
   The fractured spacetime clinging to your chest disperses.
   You fly eastward.
   You carve Zrael's head up with flux dagger alri, and she is affected somewhat severely by the attack.
   Your soul shroud glows, and a haze of hellmist swirls around Zrael and inundates her torso, right hindleg, and right hindclaw, and she is affected severely by the attack.
   Zrael slows down.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   Some of the black goo adhering to Misery spurts off and attempts to tunnel its way into Zrael's torso.
   You epistemically nullify Zrael's torso with Misery, though she resists the attack slightly.
   a flat plains area [compass, compass:up, u]
   You see Zrael.


   [ Head: 527.5  Chest: 1160.6  Goetic: 252.2/530.4  Pleasure: 86/965  Spiritual: 2568.9/3324  Order: 176.2/328.4  Endurance: 3633.8/3703 Entropic: 125.8/293.2  Chaos: 31.4/251.5  Speed: 81 ]
   You vanish into the shadows.
   Zrael looks sick.
   Zrael walks westward.
   You reappear.


   You fly westward.
   Your efforts to perform kesli qereun using electrical energy draw forth a modicum of goetic energy from you and transform it into amalgamal

lightning energy.

  • Ugh. Forgot Kesli would use goetic energy if lightning isn't available. Note to self: Turn this off.
   You open your mouth wide, revealing your fangs, lunge for Zrael's neck and transfix her left foreleg with your mouth, and she is affected severely by the attack.
  • Keeping the bite attack on, tho.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's head.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's head.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.
   Chaos energy from your chaos aura surges into Zrael's tail as it passes through it.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Your wounds heal.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's right hindleg, damning it.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   a flat plains area [compass, compass:up, u]
   You see Zrael.

tol > >

   [ Head: 525.9  Chest: 1157.0  Goetic: 222.4/529.8  Pleasure: 73.4/964.1  Spiritual: 2615.5/3321  Order: 176.2/328.2  Endurance: 3683.8/3691 Entropic: 125.8/292.9  Chaos: 32.2/251.3  Speed: 81 ]
   You vanish into the shadows.
   You spit, ~- Mistress Tolmet, Lady of Pain, grant unto this worthless, worm-like mortal the sweetness of your divine favor! -~ in Graecan.
   Zrael is existentially nullified, though she resists the attack somewhat.

33m Zrael's eyes go out of focus.

   Pleasure races all through your body.
   You reappear.
   You sense energy flowing out of a kalila chakra and into your ka chakra.
   [ Head: 527.1  Chest: 1159.6  Goetic: 222.4/528.3  Pleasure: 81.7/963.9  Spiritual: 2582.5/3321  Order: 176.2/328.2  Endurance: 3683.8/3691 Entropic: 125.8/292.9  Chaos: 32.2/250.9  Speed: 81 ]
   You lift your left foot up, then drive it forward at Zrael with motes of sparkling light trailing behind it and deny her torso, though she resists the attack somewhat.
   Some of the black goo adhering to Misery spurts off and attempts to tunnel its way into Zrael's right foreclaw.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   The bright blue rune on apolekid undulates minutely.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.
   You have been blinded.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Your wounds heal.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You feel your 1;30mbrahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's torso, damning it.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   The world comes back into focus.


   You spit, ~- Mistress Tolmet, Lady of Pain, grant unto this worthless, worm-like mortal the sweetness of your divine favor! -~ in Graecan.
   Zrael is existentially nullified, though she resists the attack somewhat.
   Pleasure races all through your body.


   [ Head: 527.1  Chest: 1159.6  Goetic: 201.9/528.3  Pleasure: 94.6/963.9  Spiritual: 2526.8/3321  Order: 176.7/328.2  Endurance: 3675.6/3691 Entropic: 126.3/292.9  Chaos: 33.0/250.9  Speed: 81 ]
   You form your right hand into a vicious claw and strike at Zrael and maul her head with dactid, and she is affected severely by the attack.
   The soul shroud about you screams in torment as it is dispersed by Zrael's attack.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Your lightning absorption field absorbs some of the energy.
   Not able to absorb all the incoming energy, your lightning absorption field disperses some of it.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's tail, desecrating it.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's head.
   Zrael's head is zorched, though she resists the attack somewhat.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Your wounds heal.
   You sense your brahmanda-prakasa drawing upon your reserves of goetic energy to absorb the attack.
   Your brahmanda-prakasa effervesces steadily.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Your wounds heal.
   An arc of lightning leaps from you to Zrael.
   Zrael's right foreleg is zapped, though she resists the attack.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's tail.
   Zrael's tail is controverted, though she resists the attack somewhat.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's right foreleg, connecting with superb precision and damning it.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's tail.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your body glows eerily, and your body release a wave of qlippotic power into Zrael's head and torso, damning them.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Zrael swings her tail at you, catches you dead-on with supreme precision and thumps you, despite your attempt to fend it off with Misery, though you are barely affected by the attack.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Some of your wounds heal.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy as a coruscating red jolt of power leaps from your body into Zrael's right foreclaw.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Zrael attempts to gouge your eyes with her right foreclaw and scratches you, despite your attempt to fend it off with Misery, though you are barely affected by the attack.
   You feel your brahmanda-prakasa drawing spiritual energy from you as it charges itself from the energies being directed at you.
   Zrael slows down.
   Zrael is affected very severely by the attack.
   You feel energy drained from Zrael by your aura of shimmering black flowing into you.
   Some of your wounds heal.
   Your runes glow with coruscating red defensive energy.
   Zrael begins moving faster.

invoke hastur

   You spit, ~- Hastur Hastur Hastur Hastur Hastur Hastur Hast... urrrrrk! -~ in Ngaathgl.
   Suddenly, your jaw is shoved open as something fills your throat and mouth.
   An obscene black tendril emerges from your mouth and squirms its way through the air toward Zrael.
   Upon reaching her, the black tendril thrusts deeply into her torso, performing a disgusting peristaltic sucking motion.
   Zrael has been mortally wounded and will die soon if not aided.
   Zrael slows down.
   You are flooded with incredible pleasure.
   Zrael is affected somewhat severely by the attack.
   The black tendril disappears.


   [ Head: 525.6  Chest: 1156.3  Goetic: 189.8/528.3  Pleasure: 118.5/963.7  Spiritual: 2285.1/3321  Order: 176.7/328.2  Endurance: 3674.6/3681 Entropic: 126.3/292.9  Chaos: 33.0/250.9  Speed: 81 ]
   The Fist of the Damned whispers into your mind *~ If you cannot defeat Zrael why waste my magicks against her? ~*.
  • Every....fucking....time... It's like the stronger the opponent, the more it complaints. FFS.
   A ghost of a mazikah reaches forth from the soul shroud encircling you toward Zrael.
   The soul shroud encircling you churns darkly as Zrael's soul is drawn deep into it.
   You mutilate Zrael's right wing with Misery, though she resists the attack slightly.
   You slice Zrael's right hindleg with flux dagger alri, and she is affected somewhat severely by the attack.
   A blast of hellfire explodes from your soul shroud into Zrael's head and torso, incinerating them, though she resists the attack slightly.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   You launch yourself upwards into the air and punch at Zrael with your left hand and pound her head with apolekid, though she resists the attack.
   You refute Zrael's head with Misery, though she resists the attack slightly.
   A shockwave of soul-thunder bursts from your soul shroud into Zrael's left wing and torso, consecrating them, though she resists the attack slightly.
   A sensation of pleasure flashes through you.
   Zrael's broken body pulses with bright magenta light and then fades, first into a dim silhouette, and then nothingness.
   You have gained twenty-four thousand nine hundred twenty-two experience.
   You have gained eighty thousand thirty-eight experience.