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<V>       [ = Hagathcy = ]
 |          [ Type                    : ] utility
o|o         [ Description             : ] astral perception
 |   \      [ Significance            : ] high
-+-+--\     [ Activity Cost           : ] fifteen
  / \  \    [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] forty
 /   \      [ Maintenance Spirit Cost : ] ten to fifteen every thirty seconds
/     \     [ Control Skills          : ] six parts divination, five parts power tuning, three parts power focusing, two parts awareness, one part power direction and one part
              power generation
            [ Specialty Access        : ] divination degree II access and awareness degree I access
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] have a total of rune lore skill, 50% of divination skill and 30% of arcane lore skill of 125 or higher
            [ Requirements to Use     : ] have a total of 80% of awareness skill, divination skill and plus 50 if has completed the Power Potion Quest of 150 or higher  
            [ Possessed               : ] no
The rune hagathcy, when activated, provides its wielder with astral perception, an esoteric sensory capacity which makes the subtle energies of the world visible to the naked eye.
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