Dracula's Castle

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A spooky castle in Visigonia. For decades, it was a seasonal, Halloween only event, until ~2019, when it was turned into a permanent fixture.

  • Lots of undead around.
  • The Castle contains Dracula.
  • Location: (-34, -33, 2), Visigonia.
  • Tentative Speedwalk from Losthaven: go 9s, 24e, u, 33e, 2s, 3e, u, 8e, 2n Back: go 2s, 8w, d, 3w, 2n, 33w, d, 24w, 9n
  • Whole area is no teleportation.
  • You can't pass through the walls with intangibility, neither can you fly onto the walkway or roof (which has shimmering air above it).
  • The varied creatures found in this area('s outside?) won't go onto the pathway. Neither will they spawn in the forest or cemetery.
  • To actually pass into the Castle, you will need to slaughter Theodericus the groundskeeper, who stands at the gate house. He casts Sumerian spells, and is incredibly powerful. It has been observed that he has flower (really; composed from earth-extropy-spirit-water, so not to be underestimated), mud, and gravity attacks. If you're unprepared, you may die in seconds.
  • The whole place has a lot of mana in its composition, so much that some rooms are 1% or less air.
  • If you are a sneaky snake and enter the castle when someone else has killed Theodericus, when he respawns you will get "A mysterious force stops you" and you won't even be able to move. Someone will have to kill him again.
  • You may find a golden skinned kedeth. He's weak and seems to be related to the second door.

Old Combat Logs related to the Castle

Halloween Battle: Dracula

Everyone dogpiles Dracula

Halloween Night Smackdown


Level -2 (cellar [what else...?] todo)

Level -1: (todo)

Level 0:

+                                           +
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+                                           +

Level 1:

 +                                           +
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Level 2:

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Level 3:

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 +                                           +

Written in the gate house's arch, there are rusty iron runes, which actually are Sumerian cuneiforms. They read "Dietrich's Stone".

You intone, o Dietrich's Stone o in sibilant Anglic.
   Theodericus smiles fondly.
   Theodericus says, "Dietrich is one of my ancestors, yes. He built this
castle millenia ago. Called it Dietrich's Stone. Passed down the knowledge on
keepin' it strong to his kin."