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    The Hyperiad Race

    Rarity: Very Exotic
    Plural: Hyperiads
    Anatomy: Anthropoid
    Sexes: Neuter
    Harm Skills:
        Physics      50%
        Arcane Lore  25%
        Metaphysics  25%

    No specific help is available for this race.
    Development Information: The hyperiad race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last
updated Tue Apr 18 14:43:13 2017.

This is a vaguely anthropoid shape made up of seething, crackling golden plasma that gives off a great deal of light.

No finer features beyond the rough anthropoid outline are visible.

This is a member of the class of being called hyperiads, which are said to dance endlessly in tremendous swarms near the sun, Hyperion, which they are able to tolerate, and indeed thrive upon, because they are composed of the same energies which flood from the sun in such profusion.

Whatever their behavior in their native environment, away from it they are extremely dangerous, acting in all known cases as if possessed by raging, killing madness.

It is permeated by an thick, intense field of lightning.

It has a webwork of sparkling light within and around it.

It looks about twenty-four and a half dimins tall, seven and seven tenths dimins wide and one and nineteen twentieths dimins long.

It is in good shape and is giving off light.

You examine the hyperiad through your clear glass lens of analysis:
This is a vaguely anthropoid shape made up of seething, crackling golden plasma that gives off a great deal of light.  No 
finer features beyond the rough anthropoid outline are visible.  This is a member of the class of being called hyperiads, 
which are said to dance endlessly in tremendous swarms near the sun, Hyperion, which they are able to tolerate, and indeed 
thrive upon, because they are composed of the same energies which flood from the sun in such profusion.  Whatever their 
behavior in their native environment, away from it they are extremely dangerous, acting in all known cases as if  
possessed by raging, killing madness.  It is permeated by a thick, intense field of lightning.  It has a webwork
of sparkling light within and around it.  It looks about twenty-three and a half dimins tall, seven and three tenths 
dimins wide, and one and seventeen twentieths dimins front to back.  It is in good shape and is giving off light.
After a moment, the knowledge that the hyperiad is composed of ninety-five percent plasma and five percent ectoplasm 
drifts into your mind like a long-forgotten memory.
Your clear glass lens of analysis shatters into a fine dust.

Nemesys 08:34, 20 January 2011 (EST)

  • They have Mute sentience.
[OOC Eternaleye] The mute sentience can't do lingua manu, from what I've seen;
IIRC, it inhibits outgoing linguistic formation, and is distinct from the
muteness trait
[OOC Marcosy] correct
[OOC Marcosy] hyperiads should probably be supernal sentience