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   The Felljotun Race

   Rarity: Very Rare
   Plural: Felljotnar
   Anatomy: Anthropoid
   Sexes: Male, Female
   Harm Skills:
       Anatomy       27%
       Demolition    18%
       Empathy       18%
       Intimidation  18%
       Legend Lore   11%
       Torture        7%

The felljotnar, frequently called stone or mountain giants, are massive anthropes possessed of an innate affinity for forces of elemental earth. They commonly dwell in high mountain ranges, disdaining lesser hills. They are considered a type of jotun, or greater giant.

/-------------------------------------- The Felljotun Race ---------------------------------------\
| Attributes                       Strength                 200 to 350                            |
|                                  Intellect                 40 to 100                            |
|                                  Vitality                 200 to 400                            |
|                                  Agility                   15 to  90                            |
|                                  Willpower                 30 to 120                            |
|                                  Ego                       70 to 120                            |
|                                  Perception                30 to 110                            |
|                                  Size                     240 to 500                            |
| Typical Sexes                                             Male                                  |
|                                                           Female                                |
| Languages                        Native                   Norska                                |
| Specialty Access                 Earth Affinity           available: degree XV, bonus: degree   |
|                                                           III                                   |
| Traits                           Abstraction              Yes                                   |
|                                  Dreaming                 Yes                                   |
|                                  Euphasia                 Yes                                   |
|                                  Sentience                Anthropic                             |
|                                  Assimilativity           -15                                   |
|                                  Speech Pattern           Thunderous                            |
| Cultures and Homelands           Freeholder               Freehold                              |
|                                  Losthavener              Losthaven                             |
|                                  Lowlander                Halfmoon Bay                          |
|                                  Sanctuari                Sanctuary                             |
|                                  Talantonite              the Shadow Tower                      |
| Physical Characteristics         Anatomy                  Anthropoid                            |
|                                  Natural Weaponry         Superb                                |