Haughwan (Race)

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Rarity: Exotic
Plural: Haughwana
Collective Term: a copse of haughwana
Anatomy: Eight-Branched Dendromorph
Sexes: Hermaphrodite
Harm Skills:
           Plant Lore    34%
           Carving       17%
           Empathy       17%
           Intimidation  17%
           Sculpture      8%
           Torture        7%

Haughwana are a race of small, sentient trees with gemstone eyes and flexible branches, with which they speak and manipulate objects around them.

They, like their cousins the Aethossa, are known to have inhabited the forests of the world since the beginning of recorded history, and they share many traits such as linguistic aptitude and strength of body and mind, though their sessility greatly hinders any would-be mobility.

Thanks to their more sedentary lifestyle, they tend to have a deeper connection to the lands they inhabit.

┌─────────────────────────────────────── The Haughwan Race ───────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Attributes                   Strength                          40 to  80                        │
│                              Intellect                         90 to 120                        │
│                              Vitality                         100 to 150                        │
│                              Agility                            5 to  10                        │
│                              Willpower                         70 to 130                        │
│                              Ego                               50 to 110                        │
│                              Perception                        50 to 100                        │
│                              Size                              20 to  30                        │
│ Typical Sexes                                                 Hermaphrodite                     │
│ Languages                    Native                           Shosarra                          │
│ Innate Skills                Equilibrium                      20                                │
│                              Meditation                       25                                │
│                              Plant Lore                       20                                │
│                              Forestry                         40                                │
│                              Regeneration                     20                                │
│ Specialty Access             Quickness                        forbidden: degree II              │
│                              Forestry and Meditation          available: degree IV, bonus:      │
│                                                               degree II                         │
│                              Equilibrium and Regeneration     available: degree IV, bonus:      │
│                                                               degree II                         │
│                              Dodge, Running, and Tumbling     forbidden: degree I               │
│ Resistances                  Poison                           near-total resistance             │
│                              Eskaris                          large vulnerability               │
│                              Crushing                         small resistance                  │
│                              Disease                          immunity                          │
│                              Cold                             strong resistance                 │
│                              Temporal                         near-total resistance             │
│ Traits                       Abstraction                      Yes                               │
│                              Dreaming                         Yes                               │
│                              Euphasia                         Yes                               │
│                              Sentience                        Anthropic                         │
│                              Assimilativity                   -10                               │
│                              Diet                             Photovore                         │
│                              Regrowth                         3                                 │
│                              Night Vision                     1                                 │
│                              Respiration                      Foliage                           │
│                              Speech Pattern                   Whispery                          │
│ Cultures and Homelands       Nisbetoth                        Nisbet                            │
│ Physical Characteristics     Anatomy                          Eight-Branched Dendromorph        │
│                              Natural Armour                   Extremely Heavy                   │
│                              Natural Weaponry                 Excellent                         │
│ Mental Characteristics       Psi                              Psychically Alien                 │
/-------- Traits of Nithlas ---------\
| Trait                        Value |
| Cognitive Traits                   |
|   Abstraction                  Yes |
|   Assimilativity                 0 |
|   Awareness                    Yes |
|   Dreaming                     Yes |
|   Euphasia                     Yes |
|   Sentience              Anthropic |
| Genetic Traits                     |
|   Regrowth                       3 |
|   Sessility                    Yes |
| Metabolic Traits                   |
|   Diet                   Photovore |
|   Respiration              Foliage |
| Neurological Traits                |
|   Handedness         Ambidexterity |
| Sensory Traits                     |
|   Night Vision                   1 |
| Vocal Traits                       |
|   Quote Style              Aethoss |
|   Speech Pattern          Whispery |
/---------------- Limb Status for Nithlas ----------------\
| Limb                State     Cur  Max  Size  Equipment |
| Upper Trunk         healthy  69.9 69.9  9.5%            |
| Upper Right Branch  healthy  38.8 38.8  7.5%            |
| Upper Left Branch   healthy  38.8 38.8  7.5%            |
| Upper Fore Branch   healthy  38.8 38.8  7.5%            |
| Upper Hind Branch   healthy  38.8 38.8  7.5%            |
| Lower Trunk         healthy  81.6 81.6 11.6%            |
| Lower Right Branch  healthy  46.6 46.6  8.8%            |
| Lower Left Branch   healthy  46.6 46.6  8.8%            |
| Lower Fore Branch   healthy  46.6 46.6  8.8%            |
| Lower Hind Branch   healthy  46.6 46.6  8.8%            |
| Root                healthy  73.8 73.8 13.6%            |

You will require Wingless Flight to do anything, either as a ring or as the Levitator wild talent.

Interestingly enough, a test haughwan had 5000 years of age, while an example aethoss had 3000.

The haughwan had 2000 starting coins, while the aethoss had 7000.