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Rarity: Exotic
Plural: Loirekthren
Anatomy: Clawed Winged Anthropoid
Sexes: Neuter
Harm Skills:
           Anatomy      48%
           Legend Lore  32%
           Animal Lore  19%
The loirekthen are a mysterious race who seem to be a chimeric fusion of many races chosen for their
physical prowess.  Massive, winged, and well-armored, they are ferocious in combat and notoriously 
difficult to kill -- traits which suggest a manufactured or specially bred origin, the specifics of 
which appear to have been lost to time.  They tend to take a dim view of outsiders and appear 
sufficiently xenophobic to prevent other races and cultures from learning anything about them, other 
than their habitat of the River Tethys.  Despite their brutish appearance and hostility, their 
complex naming schemes and conversance with advanced topics such as philosophy suggest a deeper and 
more nuanced culture than is readily visible externally. 
In order to become a loirekthen, you must have advanced to level three hundred.
Development Information: The loirekthen race was created by Ambidexter and Chaos; the source code
was last updated Tue Oct 24 15:28:20 2023.

It will cost you 150 lux to make a character of this race.

┌────────────────────────────────────── The Loirekthen Race ──────────────────────────────────────┐
│ Attributes                   Strength                          100 to 150                       │
│                              Intellect                          10 to  70                       │
│                              Vitality                          150 to 200                       │
│                              Agility                            60 to 120                       │
│                              Willpower                          40 to 100                       │
│                              Ego                                10 to  40                       │
│                              Perception                         30 to 100                       │
│                              Size                              120 to 140                       │
│ Typical Sexes                                                  Neuter                           │
│ Innate Skills                Blindfighting                     75                               │
│                              Flight                            60                               │
│                              Pole Arm                          50                               │
│                              Tactics                           50                               │
│ Specialty Access             Chaos Affinity, Flight,           available: degree V, bonus:      │
│                              Hardiness, Killer Instinct,       degree II                        │
│                              Lightning Affinity,                                                │
│                              Recuperation, Regeneration, and                                    │
│                              Robustness                                                         │
│ Resistances                  Temporal                          moderate resistance              │
│ Traits                       Abstraction                       Yes                              │
│                              Dreaming                          Yes                              │
│                              Euphasia                          Yes                              │
│                              Sentience                         Anthropic                        │
│                              Diet                              Carnivore                        │
│                              Night Vision                      1                                │
│                              Respiration                       Internal                         │
│                              Speech Pattern                    Feline                           │
│ Cultures and Homelands       Tethysta                          the River Tethys                 │
│ Physical Characteristics     Anatomy                           Clawed Winged Anthropoid         │
│                              Natural Armour                    Extremely Heavy                  │
│                              Natural Weaponry                  Superb                           │
│                              Other                             Bestial                          │
│                                                                Chimeric                         │
│ Mental Characteristics       Psi                               Psychically Alien                │

These things are (or were) immune to several energies, including entropy. When I was a RW I only could hurt them with the eskaric component of grynovsk.

[OOC Faendal] loirekthen's say things like 'prepare to die faendal! you've
killed the master!'
