Map:Temple Bloodmoon

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Temple Bloodmoon

                    4   4   5   5(!)
                    |   |   |   |
                ^     |       |   ^
                x     4       5   x
                ^                 ^
#-x-!   #-x-#   x                 x
  |       |     ^                 ^
#-x-#   #-x-#   x                 x
  |       |     ^                 ^
#-x-#   #-x-#   x                 x
  |       |     ^                 ^
#-x-#   #-x-#   x-x-x-x-1-x-x-x-x-x
  |       |             ~
  x       x     @       x
  |       |     |       |
  x >x>x> x-x-x-x-x-2~x-x-*
  |       |             |
  x       x             x
  |       |             ~
#-x-#   #-x-#           x
  |       |             |
#-x-#   #-x-#           3 
  |       |
#-x-#   #-x-#
  |       |
#-x-#   #-x-#


—,X,|,\,/: Walkable path
^>v<: Arrows down
~: Inwards
x: Room with nothing special about it
*: Entrance from larger map
#: Bedrooms
!: Found high priestess here Trainer: Mivara (must be Synousia Algesis)
@: (Cafe) Dining Hall
1: Temple
2: Housing compound
3: Library Trainer: Keiko
4: Pleasure Chamber (Yum!)
5: Torture Chamber

Coordinates: Andala ( 0, 36, 0) & Global (-81, 36, 0)

100% Explored

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


For some reason the praise command isn't working for me, but Aria if you read this - YOU FRIGGIN ROCK! Makes me glad the weird discordian vibe made me a girl (see Synousia Algesis)...ten minutes later: DAMN. I can't be a sadist! TT_TT Awwwwwwwww...

End of spoiler information.

See also: Local Map Template

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