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The Myrrisi Race

   Rarity: Rare
   Plural: Myrrisar
   Anatomy: Anthropoid
   Sexes: Male, Female
   Harm Skills:
       Anatomy       29%
       Empathy       20%
       Intimidation  20%
       Demolition    16%
       Legend Lore    8%
       Torture        8%
The myrrisar, often referred to as swamp giants, are a race of extremely large anthropes, generally aggressive and uncommunicative, that most often inhabit swamps and bogs.  They are considered a type of risi, or lesser giant.
In order to become a myrrisi, you must have achieved the status of Hero.
/----------------------------- The Myrrisi Race ------------------------------\
| Attributes                      Strength                  200 to 400        |
|                                 Intellect                  20 to  80        |
|                                 Vitality                  150 to 300        |
|                                 Agility                    20 to  90        |
|                                 Willpower                  20 to 100        |
|                                 Ego                        20 to 100        |
|                                 Perception                 20 to  80        |
|                                 Size                      160 to 400        |
| Typical Sexes                                             Male              |
|                                                           Female            |
| Languages                       Native                    Norska            |
| Traits                          Abstraction               Yes               |
|                                 Dreaming                  Yes               |
|                                 Euphasia                  Yes               |
|                                 Sentience                 Anthropic         |
|                                 Assimilativity            -8                |
|                                 Algopoeia                 3                 |
|                                 Speech Pattern            Thunderous        |
| Cultures and Homelands          Almerian Wildling         Almeria           |
| Physical Characteristics        Anatomy                   Anthropoid        |
|                                 Natural Weaponry          Excellent         |