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Set Aim

Usage: set aim to <high|middle|low>

Selects the general area where you are aiming your blows in combat. Higher aim directs your strikes toward the upper body, low aim toward the lower body.

See Also: show aim, switch aim, report aim, set strike location

Switch Aim

Usage: switch aim

Selects the general area where you are aiming your blows in combat. Higher aim directyour strikes toward the upper body, low aim toward the lower body.

See Also: set aim, show aim, report aim, set strike location

Report Aim

Usage: report aim

Shows your current aim setting.

See Also: set aim, show aim, switch aim

Show Aim

Usage: show aim

Shows your current aim setting.

See Also: set aim, switch aim, report aim

Command: Aim

General-Use Command Usage: aim <item> [<direction> | through <portal>] [at <target>][!]

Aim a weapon at a target. The target can either be in the same room as you, in which case you simply 'aim <item> at <target>', or in an adjacent room, in which case you would 'aim <item> <direction> at <target>'. This is most useful for ranged combat, where is both designates a target, so it need not be specified with each command, and improves performance. Aiming can also be used in close combat, where it represents taking additional time to carefully aim your next attack with the weapon specified; as soon as a weapon is used to attack in close combat, it is no longer considered aimed. You can only aim one weapon at one target at a time; if you specify a new target, you are no longer aiming at your previous one. If you are in combat, you can use 'aim <item>' to aim at your current opponent. If you are using aim in conjunction with launching, aim your launcher rather than your ammunition; if you aim the ammunition, this will only help you if you throw it. Your aim will be broken if your target moves out of your immediate vicinity -- the room you are in and those adjacent to it.

Normally, this command is only used to aim items intended as weapons; however, if you give the command as an override (by putting a ! on the end), nearly any item can be aimed.

This command is not related to the combat aim setting, which influences where your attacks will hit your target.

   Examples: aim bow at orc
             aim crossbow north at goblin
             aim sword at guard
             aim sword
             aim helmet at dragon!

Development Information: The aim command was created by Chaos; the source code was last updated Tue Jul 24 14:56:49 2007.

See Also: stop aiming, throw, launch, set aim

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