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Legendary Lothar Battlerager Image:Example.jpg

Headline text


Bio: I've been playing LS for around 10 years. I love to group and roleplay so give me a tell!

Brak is a chaos Lothar forged in the stygian depths of the exoma when the spirits of a chaos elemental and an earth elemental fought to possess the body of a dwarven wanderer. Thus was born a deformed Lothar alive with the powers of Chaos. Travelling the universes, the chaos lothar fell in with the Úlfhéðnar, a marauding company of berserker dwarves who fought for loot, fornication, bloodlust or glory as dictated by their fluctuating whim. Ultimately the Úlfhéðnar were broken by an assembled league of Amberite kingdoms, formed specifically to route the dwarven raiders. Brak fled to and was welcomed by the Chaos Knights but never forsaked his Battlerager heritage. He proved himself as a mighty warrior and ultimately became a General in the courts of Chaos serving many of the Greater Houses as Warlord of their armies. In this Age of Conflict he has been tasked by the Great Houses of Chaos to infiltrate Almeria, gather intelligence of all the strongholds of the Primal pattern and annihilate them. Brak campaigns relentlessly to convert his Battlerager kin to the worship of the true path of the Logrus to prepare them for the colossal battle when Amber itself will be besieged and toppled. The Logrus Battlerager Grande Armée will collapse the massive walls of the Amber Citidel where the Primal pattern of Order in the heart of Amber shall be torched and consumed by the all consuming Chaosfire of the Logrus. So has sworn Brak. So it shall be.

Brak is the leader of Apple Core. This is the Courts of Chaos Almerian branch of the Chaos Knights. Troops are trained via the patented ChaosHeart method. ChaosHeart Mantra = CHTTPT!

This is an Erisian Propaganda Flyer

Stamped with an elaborate seal of a large golden apple

Eris Needs You!

The time has come to choose your alliances!

Do you love chaos?

Friends and family back in the Courts?

Show your loyalty ... Become a proud member of Apple Core: Join the ChaosHeart Troops Training Program Today!

Enlistment Bonuses Offered Loyal troops receive: - Generous signing bonuses - Scholarships to the finest Miskatonic universities - Opportunities to travel to distant shadows - Four pats on the back from General Brak himself

Interested? Contact General Brak of the House Sawall Training for the first Almerian based Chaos Knight Company begins immediately:

Currently Enlisting for: ChaosHeart Squad – Code A.J.

Rewards Offered : For any information

1.) Leading to the capture of Amberites 2.) Concerning strange patterns rumored to be appearing in Almeria 3.) Concerning the location of the city Amber

A few characters I'm proud of shown in order of creation.
1. Obsidion, Hero lothar battlerager (Retired)
2. Vazaith, Hero Amberite Kazarak (Retired)
3. Marvin, Legend Kobold Aisenshi (Retired)<
4. Starship, Hero Zuth Traveler
5. Brak, Legend Lothar Battlerager
6. Zod, Kryptonian Superhero
7. Voodoo Vlekthid Chaos Necromancer
8. Jaberwocky Mantid Aisenshi