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Skills determine your Lost Souls character's abilities in many areas. You can see a summary of your skills with the command 'show skills'. Each skill represents an area of knowledge, training, or conditioning that your character can potentially have. The maximum level of ability you can achieve in a given skill, and the speed with which you approach that level, is determined mainly by whether and to what degree you specialize in that skill. See 'help specialties' for a detailed discussion of this.

When categorizing skill competence in-character, we use descriptive rather than numeric skill levels. These are, in increasing order of ability: incapacitated, handicapped, unskilled, very inept, inept, unpracticed, fairly competent, competent, fairly proficient, proficient, fairly skilled, skilled, fairly adept, adept, expert, masterful, prodigious, incredible, amazing, preternatural, unearthly, nigh-divine and transcendent.

Help is available on each individual skill. However, note that some special skills are hidden from most people; until your character has attained knowledge about a hidden skill, you will not be able to view help on it, nor will it appear in the skill list below. A skill's help will display the skill class it belongs to and the attribute it is based on; this attribute is the source of the specialty points needed to specialize in this skill, and often is used together with your skill level in determining your overall ability in that area. Hidden skills and skills which can only be learned by someone specializing in them will be indicated as such. Some skills have special maximum ratings that apply to them in addition to the maximum imposed by your specialty degree; this will be noted. Also, some unusual skills are incompatible with other skills, meaning that if you have any of the skills shown as incompatible, then this skill cannot be learned. Naturally, the help will also include a description of the skill's function.

The list below shows the full set of skills on Lost Souls that your character has knowledge of, organized by class.

Be aware that some of these skills, especially among the craft and trade skills, have no implemented effect in the game, being defined for future use, and that many skills are presently used only by guilds or other affiliations.

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