Eredena bud

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You examine your eredena bud through your clear glass lens of insight:
This is a bud from the bush-like eredena tree.  It looks about three fifths of a dimin across.  It weighs about one 
hundred thirty-one two-thousandths of a dekan.  You estimate its value at about one hundred eleven gold.
You examine your eredena bud through your clear glass lens of analysis:
After a moment, the knowledge that the eredena bud is composed entirely of vegetation drifts into your mind like a long-
forgotten memory.
This is a bud from the bush-like eredena tree.  It looks about three fifths of a dimin across.  It weighs about one 
hundred thirty-one two-thousandths of a dekan.  You estimate  its value at about one hundred eleven gold.
One may eat it.  The eredena bud was created by Vialle, Sylke, and Bannor and is maintained by Chaos; the source code was 
last updated Sun Jul 12 19:31:36 2009.  The material  vegetation was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last updated 
Sun Jul 12 19:30:01 2009.
You eat your eredena bud.
You feel stronger and smarter.
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