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Etz'laerhi is the underwater home to the quessae, located off the eastern shores of Tenochlan. Ruled by Lady Phalyre, who is accompanied by her manservant Adrier, it is a peaceful land, with all the amenities one would expect in a fine city.



Et'zlaerhi is located at (25, -25, 0) in the Surdassic Sea (Global: (187, -187, 0)).

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Notable Personalities

Phalyre, Queen of Et'zlaerhi, wielder and bearer of both Zrael and the Circlet of Clarity.

Notable Attractions

Kelestiri, the royal palace.

A demon behind the tapestry of the Llyr's Temple. If searched, aggros everything.

Quentl's Shop of Magicks

The Leviathan's Song, a tavern (Bowl of raw oysters, Bowl of seaweed salad, Bowl of raw fish, Bag of sea slug chips, Bowl of sweet and sour snail eggs, Marinated squid strips, Bag of live shrimp)

Quentl's shop of magicks (Peridot of protection from lightning, Peridot of protection from lightning, Pair of water wings, Clear glass lens of insight, Potassium wand of darts, Wicker ring of water breathing, Bloodstone of entrapment)


  • City alignment:

Good/Chaos (more good than chaos)

  • Guards assist:

Yes, and they swarm (not all of them it seems, they travel somewhat slowly)

End of spoiler information.


                   search tapestries (aggros everything, behind there is a demon)
 x x               x       x
 | |               |       |
 x-x x             *-x-x-x-x-x-x
 |   |                 |     |
 x---x-x-x-x           x Q   x
           |           | |
         L-x           x x
           |           | |
               |     | |
               E     x G
               |     |
       *       *   x-x-x
       |             |
       x-x-x       x-x-x
       |             |
     x-x-x-x       x-x-x
       | | |         |
       * x x         x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x
       |   |         | | | | |
       *   *         x x x x x
       |   |
       x-x-P search throne
             enter passage
             it ties the throne room and the guest room together

Dis my map.

A: Adventurer's Guild

E: Entrance

G: Grinning Cat Eatery

L: Leviathan's Song

P: The throne room

Q: Quentl's shop of magicks

T: Temple of Llyr

The road south to the palace is guarded, and not as in 'let me look you over before you pass' guarded. Press the issue and they'll cut you. -Shinichi

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