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          [ = Grynovsk = ]
   *        [ Type                    : ] attack
  / \       [ Description             : ] eskaric cloud
 &   \      [ Significance            : ] major
 /\  / /    [ Activity Cost           : ] thirty
&  \/\/     [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] one hundred
 \ & &      [ Control Skills          : ] five parts power generation,
 /  \ \                                   three parts eskaraturgy, three parts power direction, three parts thanaturgy,
                                          two parts power focusing, two parts power tuning, and two parts telesmatic weapon
            [ Specialty Access        : ] eskaraturgy and thanaturgy degree I access
            [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 90 points among
                                          40% of rune lore skill,
                                          100% of eskaraturgy skill,
                                      and 30% of thanaturgy skill
            [ Requirements to Use     : ] eskaraturgy skill of 120 or higher
                                       or thanaturgy skill of 80 or higher

The rune grynovsk calls forth a massive cloud of entropically-infused eskara to devastate one's surroundings.

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