Map:Caves of Sionell ASCII

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Caves of Sionell

Level 2

   +++++++++++++++   Key
   |             |   V = up or d
 6 | .V...tttttt |   E = cave entrance/exit to surface
 5 | .tttttt...t |   t = tunnel
 4 | .t...t.t..t |   < = cavern
 3 | Ettt.ttt..t |   . = inaccessible
 2 | ...ttt.t..t |
 1 | .t..<<<<..t |
 0 | .ttt<<<<ttt |
-1 | .t..t..t..t |
-2 | .tt....<<<. |
-3 | .t.....<<<. |
-4 | ttt....<<<. |
-5 | .t.....t.t. |
-6 | ....tttt... |
   |             |

Level 1

   |             |
 6 | .V<<<...... |
 5 | ..<<<ttt... |
 4 | ..<<<..t... |
 3 | ...t...<<<. |
 2 | .tttt..t... |
 1 | ..t.t..t... |
 0 | ..t.t..t... |
-1 | .tt.ttttttt |
-2 | .t.....t..t |
-3 | .tt<<<.tt.t |
-4 | ...<<<..t.t |
-5 | ...<<<..ttt |
-6 | .Vtt....... |
   |             |

Level 0

   |             |
 6 | V...tttttt. |
 5 | t...t..t.t. |
 4 | <<...<<<.t. |
 3 | <<ttt<<<.tt |
 2 | <<...<<<.t. |
 1 | ...t...t... |
 0 | tttt...t... |
-1 | t..t..<<... |
-2 | t.tttt<<<.. |
-3 | t..t.<<<<.. |
-4 | tttt.t..t.. |
-5 | t....t..ttt |
-6 | tVtt....... |
   |             |

Level -1

   |             |
 6 | V....<<..<< |
 5 | t....t....t |
 4 | tttttttt..t |
 3 | |
 2 | .tt..t..ttt |
 1 | .t...t..t.t |
 0 | ...tttttttt |
-1 | ...<<<..t.t |
-2 | ..V<<<ttt.. |
-3 | tttt...t... |
-4 | t..t...ttt. |
-5 | ........t.. |
-6 | .....Vttt.. |
   |             |

Level -2

   |             |
 6 | Vttttt...t. |
 5 | ..t.t....t. |
 4 | ..t...<<.tt |
 3 | ..t...<<.t. |
 2 | ttt...<<ttt |
 1 | .t....t...t |
 0 | .tttttttt.. |
-1 | .<<...t.... |
-2 | .t..Sttt... |
-3 | .t...t.tttt |
-4 | .t<<.t...t. |
-5 | ...< |
-6 | ..<<.Vtttt. |
   |             |

The Source of the Slime quest ends at,, (S on the map). Touch the pedestal, and you'll be returned to the surface.

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