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Trait Category: Genetic
Trait Type: Rating
Overall Possible Natural Values: 0 to 20
Organisms with the trait of metachrosis are able to change the color of their skin, or other integumentary organ, through the use of
specialized cells called chromatophores.

Clear Metachrotic Color Influence

General-Use Skill Setting
Usage: clear metachrotic color influence for <material>
Changes the color of part of your body, using the capability of metachrosis.
Note that competing color influences from other sources, such as affinities, may disrupt your control of this ability.
See Also: set metachrotic color influence, metachrosis

Set Metachrotic Color Influence

General-Use Skill Setting
Usage: set metachrotic color influence for <material> to <color>
Changes the color of part of your body, using the capability of metachrosis.
Note that competing color influences from other sources, such as affinities, may disrupt your control of this ability.
See Also: clear metachrotic color influence, metachrosis

What does grant this trait? For some reason, dofleinis do not have this trait.

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