Personal lore

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   Set Personal Lore
   OOC Incarnos-Only Character Setting
   Usage: set personal lore to <text>
 Sets your personal lore.  Your personal lore is text that will appear in your description for people who know who you are
(for most characters from civilized backgrounds, this means a familiarity with your home culture).  This is in addition to the
rest of the information that is visible about you.  Personal lore should be facts or stories about you that somebody who knew you
would be aware of.
   For example, if you were a Losthavener and did 'set personal lore to She is known throughout Losthaven for her sparkling
wit.', people from Losthaven, or who have knowledge of the Losthavener culture, would see that text as part of the display when
they looked at you.
   Your personal lore may be as long as you like, and may include color controls (see 'help color'), but please be reasonable.
   See Also: show personal lore, clear personal lore, set description, set personal OOC information

   OOC Incarnos-Only Character Display
   Usage: show personal lore
   Shows your current personal lore.
   See Also: set personal lore, clear personal lore, set description, set personal OOC information
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