Player Integrity

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/---------------- Attributes of Integrity ----------------\
| Attribute     Natural                Effective          |
| Strength      Pitiful       [   5 ]  Amazing    [ 168 ] |
| Intelligence  Excellent     [  84 ]  Prodigious [ 104 ] |
| Constitution  Preternatural [ 181 ]  Unearthly  [ 211 ] |
| Dexterity     Prodigious    [ 110 ]  Incredible [ 132 ] |
| Willpower     Preternatural [ 182 ]  Unearthly  [ 209 ] |
| Charisma      Mediocre      [  46 ]  Good       [  62 ] |
| Perception    Superior      [ 100 ]  Incredible [ 122 ] |

/-----------------------------------Specialties of Integrity -----------------------------------------------------\
| Skill       Asg     Bon    Tot    Max     Min      Rat    Cei    Sus         Att |
| Animal Lore  1       1      2      30      2       120    120     0          Int |
| Arcane Lore  1       0      1       2      0        73     80     0          Int |
| Awareness                             2                0               2               4               1              108             120              0                    Per |
| Biology                               1                1               2               21              2              120             120              0                    Int |
| Combat Reflexes                       4                0               4               5               0              179             180              0                    Dex |
| Conjuration                           1                0               1               11              1               80              80              0                    Int |
| Cosmology                             0                3               3               29              2              150             150              0                    Int |
| Diplomacy                             0                2               2               8               0              120             120              0                    Cha |
| Discipline                            3                0               3               6               1              180             150              0                    Wil |
| Dodge                                 5                0               5               5               0              200             200              0                    Dex |
| Empathy                               3                2               5               25              0              280             200              0                    Per |
| Enchantment                           1                0               1               15              1               80              80              0                    Int |
| Fast Talk                             0                2               2               8               0              120             120              0                    Cha |
| Fire Affinity                         1                2               3               11              0              179             120              0                    Con |
| First Aid                             0                3               3               22              0              150             150              0                    Per |
| Flight                                1                1               2               8               0              194             120              0                    Dex |
| Heat Affinity                         1                4               5               16              0              211             180              0                    Con |
| Intimidation                          0                2               2               8               0              120             120              0                    Cha |
| Introspection                         3                4               7               30              1              280             240              0                    Per |
| Leadership                            0                0               0               3               0              150              40              0                    Cha |
| Light Affinity                       12                4               16              16              0              399             400              0                    Con |
| Lightning Affinity                    4                4               8               16              0              236             240              0                    Con |
| Literacy                              0                0               0               10              0               80              40              0                    Int |
| Manipulation                          0                3               3               12              0              150             150              0                    Cha |
| Mathematics                           1                0               1               4               1               80              80              0                    Int |
| Meditation                            4                0               4               4               1              180             180              0                    Wil |
| Metacreativity                        0                2               2               10              0              120             120              0                    Wil |
| Metasenses                            0                0               0               2               0              120              40              0                    Per |
| Mounted Combat                        1                0               1               5               0               54              80              0                    Per |
| Order Affinity                        7                0               7               7               1              216             220              0                    Wil |
| Pain Tolerance                        0                3               3               14              0              139             150              0                    Wil |
| Philosophy                            0                0               0               9               0              120              40              0                    Int |
| Psychokinesis                         2                0               2               2               0              120             120              0                    Wil |
| Psycholeptesis                        2                0               2               2               0              120             120              0                    Wil |
| Psychology                            0                3               3               14              0              150             150              0                    Int |
| Quickness                             1                0               1               1               0               51              80              0                    Dex |
|  Redaction                             3                3               6               16              0              380             220              0                    Cha |
| Riding                                1                0               1               4               0               64              80              0                    Per |
| Somatesthesia                         0                4               4               17              0              172             180              0                    Per |
| Tactics                               2                0               2               2               0              120             120              0                    Int |
| Telepathy                             0                2               2               11              0              280             120              0                    Int |
| Thari                                 0                1               1               3               0               80              80              0                    Int |
/------------------------------------------------------------------------- Specialty Points of Integrity -------------------------------------------------------------------------\
| Attribute                                         Total                           Assigned                           Suspended                           Available              |
| Strength                                            0                                 0                                  0                                   0                  |
| Intelligence                                        8                                 8                                  0                                   0                  |
| Constitution                                        18                               18                                  0                                   0                  |
| Dexterity                                           11                               11                                  0                                   0                  |
| Willpower                                           18                               18                                  0                                   0                  |
| Charisma                                            4                                 3                                  0                                   1                  |
| Perception                                          10                               10                                  0                                   0                  |
/---------------------------------------------------------------------- Attribute Development of Integrity -----------------------------------------------------------------------\
| Attribute                                Original                    Invested                    Adjustments                    Current                     Next Point          |
| Strength                                    21                          8                            -24                           5                           0.98             |
| Intelligence                                50                          28                            7                            84                          0.93             |
| Constitution                                40                         181                           -1                           181                          0.59             |
| Dexterity                                   80                          37                           -5                           110                          0.90             |
| Willpower                                   25                         207                           -1                           182                          0.55             |
| Charisma                                    32                          9                             5                            46                          0.98             |
| Perception                                  60                          25                           16                           100                          0.93             |
/----------------------------------------------------------------------- Autodidaction Status of Integrity -----------------------------------------------------------------------\
| Assignment                                                                                                                                                               Points |
| Quickness                                                                                                                                                                     1 |
| Available                                                                                                                                                                     0 |
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