Psychic Wild Talents

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You are one of the remarkable individuals who have developed a psychic wild talent. A wild talent is a power of the mind enabling the gifted individual to perform extraordinary feats solely with the application of will through the psionic medium, without the arcane symbolic hierarchies and strange power sources of magery.

The Talents

















Psychic Healer

Psychic Vampire







Shared Abilities

Metasensory Location Linking

  You have the ability to form metasensory links with locations.  These links
are psychic conduits which connect you to places throughout the cosmos.

  Your first faculty is the ability to establish a metasensory link with your
current location.  The factors contributing to your facility at this are your
perception, intelligence, willpower, and skill at metasenses.  To perform this
operation, concentrate on creating a metasensory link.  There is no limit to
the number of links you may maintain, but each requires a small measure of your
attention and your psychic energy, so it is generally best to be parsimonious
with them.

  Your second faculty is simply reviewing the location links you have.  This is
a simple thing, but if there should be some problem with it, your ability in
the area is a matter of your intelligence, perception, and skill at metasenses.
To do this, think about your metasensory links.

  Your third faculty is that of designating a location link as "active", so
that it may be used for further operations.  Your facility at this action,
should it somehow be opposed, is determined by your intelligence, willpower,
perception, and skill at metasenses.  To select a link as active, concentrate
on that link; for example, if you had a metasensory link to the Lost Lamb
Tavern, you would concentrate on your metasensory link to the Lost Lamb Tavern
in order to make it your active link.

  Your fourth faculty is the ability to close location links.  Links you
created yourself as described above are normally a simple matter to close; if
other forces were to create metasensory links to you, these may not be so easy
to shut down.  Your ability at closing links is determined by your willpower,
intelligence, perception, and skill at metasenses.  To close your active link,
concentrate on closing your metasensory link.

Methods of Acquiring Talents

  • Consciousness alteration
  • Mental enhancement
  • Psychic trauma
  • Philosophical insight
  • Natural development
  • Psychic contact
  • Fate
  • Psychic surgery
  • Identity reevaluation

Methods of Activating Latent Talents

Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

This is a subject brought up many times on the OOC channel. Once upon a time, you could just hammer the command text for the various skills and it would activate a latent talent. This has long since been done away with, and the activation triggers are much more complex.

I have had Psychic healer activate by looking at someone, and then automatically diagnosing their health.

Levitator kicked in as a life preservation technique when I took one too many steps north in the Underdark. It also was triggered by an Aurumvorax on Kentaur Island. He was completely mauling me, and when I wimpied, I wimpied upwards.

Mindblaster, firestarter, bladeturner and battledancer almost always trigger in combat.

I have also had firestarter activate when I looked at my opponent in combat, and happened ot visualize heat waves eminating from him.

Soothsayer has been triggered by looking at another player, and instantly providing him with his fate. It has happened twice this way--once was a talent and twice was a death fate.

Dowser can be triggered by being extremely thirsty, a consition which seems to accompany resurrection quite often.

My mindshielder ability was triggered as a reflexive action when an vlekthid tried to eat my brains.

Stormlord was activated at the end of combat with a Storm Walker, when the stored energy in his field discharged, it was collected in mine.

Fixer most often triggers by looking at damaged items, and then instinctively healing them.

the temple entry chamber [n, out]
    You see a greenish-skinned male orc guard riding a dark brown male warg, a greenish-skinned
female orc guard riding a brown male warg and a pale-green-skinned male orc guard.
As you move to proceed outward, something stirs strangely deep in your mind, and suddenly you
find yourself moving very, very far outward indeed, hurtling through the very fabric of the
somewhere in the Exoma [in, n, nd, nu]
    You see an elektros and a bright green-spotted dark blue hermaphroditic pyx.
You realize that your latent psychic wild talent is that of a planeswalker.
End of spoiler information.

Psionic Matrices

Matrix Color to Skill Map

Black - Psychovorism
Blue - Telepathy
Cyan - Metasenses
Green - Redaction
Violet - Psychokinesis
Red - Metacreativity
Yellow - Psycholeptesis
Orange - Translocation

Matrix Intensity List

dull -> no adjective -> bright -> vibrant -> intense

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