Shub-Niggurath (ELF Invocation)

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"O friend and companion of the night, thou who rejoices in the baying of dogs and spilt blood, who wanderest in the midst of shades among the tombs, who longest for blood and bringest terror to mortals, Gorgo, Mormo, thousand-faced moon, look favorably upon our sacrifices!"

[ Type  : ] lloigor
[ Portfolio  : ] fertility
[ Disposition  : ] moderately hostile
[ Offerings Desired  : ] corpses
[ Spirit Point Cost  : ] one hundred to one hundred fifty
[ Requirements to Invoke : ] worships Shub-Niggurath, have a total of elder lore skill and forestry skill of 40 or higher or has been in the presence of Shub-Niggurath
[ General Information  : ] Among other things, Shub-Niggurath has been known to provide one of her Dark Young as a servant if properly invoked in a forest.

You screech, "O friend and companion of the night, thou who rejoicesh in the baying of dogsh and
 shpilt blood, who wanderesht in the midsht of shadesh among the tombsh, who longesht for blood 
and bringesht terror to mortalsh, Gorgo, Mormo, thoushand-faced moon, look favorably upon our 
shacrificesh!" in Erisian.
You feel Shub-Niggurath respond to your invocation.
One of the surrounding trees begins moving, stepping forward on hooved, trunklike legs to reveal
itself as a Dark Young.
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