Status Bar Creations

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Beasty (Talk | contribs)
(Beasty's Bar)
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Revision as of 00:32, 29 November 2016 (edit)
Ralnos (Talk | contribs)
(Too Much Information Status Bar)
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Enjoy Enjoy
-===Basic Status Bar:===+=== Basic Status Bar ===
set status bar to {{blue}SP:}{{dark red}%sp{{blue}/}%msp} {{blue}END:}{{dark red}%end{{blue}/}%mend} {{blue}Speed:}{{red}%speed} {{bright white}[}{{blue}HP:}{{bright red}%hp{{bright white}/}%mhp}{{bright white}]} {{blue}XP LVL:}{{yellow}%rxp} {{blue}$:} {{red}%wealth}{{blue}/}{{red}%mwealth},{{white}Target Health:} %ahealth {{dark white}%ethics}{{white}/}{{dark white}%align} set status bar to {{blue}SP:}{{dark red}%sp{{blue}/}%msp} {{blue}END:}{{dark red}%end{{blue}/}%mend} {{blue}Speed:}{{red}%speed} {{bright white}[}{{blue}HP:}{{bright red}%hp{{bright white}/}%mhp}{{bright white}]} {{blue}XP LVL:}{{yellow}%rxp} {{blue}$:} {{red}%wealth}{{blue}/}{{red}%mwealth},{{white}Target Health:} %ahealth {{dark white}%ethics}{{white}/}{{dark white}%align}
<br> <br>
Line 56: Line 56:
=== Sammeth's Standard Bar === === Sammeth's Standard Bar ===
set status bar to {{bright white}[{{blue}SP}:%sp/{{dark green}%msp}][{{blue}End}:%end/{{dark green}%mend}][{{blue}Speed}:%speed][{{blue}Head}:%head/{{dark green}%mhead}][{{blue}Chest}:%chest/{{dark green}%mchest}][{{blue}HP}:%hp/{{dark green}%mhp}][{{blue}XP}:{{purple}%rxp}][{{blue}$}:{{yellow}%wealth}][{{blue}Al}:%align][{{blue}At}:%acount][{{blue}Foe}:%ahealth]} set status bar to {{bright white}[{{blue}SP}:%sp/{{dark green}%msp}][{{blue}End}:%end/{{dark green}%mend}][{{blue}Speed}:%speed][{{blue}Head}:%head/{{dark green}%mhead}][{{blue}Chest}:%chest/{{dark green}%mchest}][{{blue}HP}:%hp/{{dark green}%mhp}][{{blue}XP}:{{purple}%rxp}][{{blue}$}:{{yellow}%wealth}][{{blue}Al}:%align][{{blue}At}:%acount][{{blue}Foe}:%ahealth]}
 +=== Beasty's Standard Bar ===
 +set status bar to %timeofday => {{green}SP :}{{blue}%sp} {{green}Spd:}{{blue}%speed} {{green}Head:}{{blue}%head}{{green}/%mhead} {{green}Chest:}{{blue}%chest}{{green}/%mchest} {{green}E:}{{blue}%end}{{green}/%mend} {{green}HP:}{{blue}%hp}{{green}/%mhp} {{green}$:}{{blue}$%wealth}{{green}/$%mwealth} %newline{{green}XP: %rxp Lvl->%level} {{green}atkr:}{{blue}%ahealth} {{green}glands:}{{blue}%phlogr}"
-<br>+=== Ralnos' Cybersuit Bar ===
-[SP:1084/1084][End:2341/2341][Speed:60][Head:203/203][Chest:446/446][HP:2129/2129][XP:544341][$:28731][Al:saintly and ordered][At:0][Foe:None]+<code>set status bar to {{flickering bright green} [----------------------{{bright red}Systems}: {{pale blue}Online}------------------------]}, {{bright green}[}{{lightning}Energy:} %sp/{{bright cyan}%msp}{{bright green}] [}{{bright yellow}Stamina:} %end/{{bright cyan}%mend}{{bright green}] [}{{bright red}Integrity:} %hp/{{bright cyan}%mhp}{{bright green}], [}{{airy}Speed:} %speed{{bright green}] [}{{soulfire}Enemies:} %acount{{bright green}] [}{{bright fire}Enemy:} %ahealth{{bright green}]}, %sentinel {{flickering bright green}[-------------------------------------------------------------]}</code>
 +Ralnos intones: Remember to copy ALL the spaces and not remove any if you want it to look like it does below. Best viewed on MUSHClient with a resolution of 1152x864.
 + [----------------------Systems: Online------------------------]
 + [Energy: 310/310] [Stamina: 500/500] [Integrity: 546/546]
 + [Speed: 21] [Enemies: 0] [Enemy: None]
 + [ Shielding: [inactive] Flight: [inactive] ] <br>[-------------------------------------------------------------]
 +=== Ralnos' Discordian Bar ===
 +<code>{{chaotic}[Name: {{random}Character} {{golden}(%level)}] [$$$: %wealth/%mwealth]%newline[Chaos Fuel: %sp/%msp] [Stamina:%end/%mend] [Wellbeing: %hp/%mhp]%newline[Vitals: %head/%chest] [Acceleration: %speed] [Heretics: %acount] [Victim: %ahealth]%newline[Locals Met: %lex] [Stricken %deaths times] [Divergence: %align]}</code>
 +Ralnos whispers: Be sure to replace the name with your character's name. This is a very colorful status bar, by the way.
 +=== Eithne's Coven Bar ===
 +It's a bit basic, but it gets the job done.
 +<code>set status bar to ,{{blue} [} {{bright white}SP: %sp/{{dark green}%msp} End: %end/{{dark green}%mend} Speed: %speed Head: %head/{{dark green}%mhead} Chest: %chest/{{dark green}%mchest} HP: %hp/{{dark green}%mhp}}{{blue} ]}, {{blue}[} {{bright white}Air: {{cyan}%air}/{{dark cyan}%mair} {{bright white}Earth:} {{yellow}%ert}/{{dark yellow}%mert} Water: {{cyan}%wtr}/{{dark cyan}%mwtr} Fire: {{bright red}%fir}/{{dark red}%mfir}}{{blue} ]}, {{blue}[} {{bright white}LV: {{bright red}%level} XP: {{bright purple}%rxp} QP: {{dark cyan}%qp} Gold: {{yellow}%wealth}/{{dark yellow}%mwealth} Att: {{dark white}%acount} Foe: {{dark white}%ahealth} {{blue}]}},,> </code>
 +Here's what it looks like:
 + [ SP: 524/836 End: 920/920 Speed: 25 Head: 63/63 Chest: 138/138 HP: 626/626 ]
 + [ Air: 70.6744/74.1 Earth: 69.1516/72.1 Water: 70.9357/74.1 Fire: 69.78/72.7 ]
 + [ LV: 16 XP: 18805 QP: 18 Gold: 16120/47188 Att: 0 Foe: None ]
 +=== Bennie's Ringwraith Bar ===
 +Taking inspiration from the Ringwraith bar preset, I made this for my own character and decided to share it. The main change is matching the color scheme to the guild.
 +<code>set status bar to {{dark red}[}{{gold}=} {{white}Head:}{{bright green} %head/%mhead} {{white}Chest:} {{bright green}%chest/%mchest} {{light blue}SP:} {{bright green}%sp/%msp} {{dark yellow}END:} {{bright green}%end/%mend} {{dark red}SPEED:} %speed {{dark red} GP:} {{shimmering gold}%wealth/%mwealth} {{dark red}QP:} {{gold}%qp} {{orange}<{{black}|}>}{{darkfire}%timeofday}{{orange}<{{black}|}>} {{gold}=}{{dark red}]}</code>
 + [= Head: 59/59 Chest: 129/129 SP: 883/888 END: 750/750 SPEED: 43
 + Wealth: 134/41952 QP: 117 <|>Day<|> =]
 +===Benny's Reaper Bar===
 +Another bar. I made one I personally like better than the basic bar, it's pretty and it shows all I really want to see - vitals health, sp, endurance, and elan/elandirection.
 +<code>set status bar to -={{unholy fire}Head: %head/}{{black}%mhead} {{unholy fire}Chest: %chest/}{{black}%mchest} {{unholy fire}Spirit: %sp/}{{black}%msp} {{unholy fire}Endurance: %end/}{{black}%mend} {{unholy fire}Elan: %reaperelan/}{{black}%reaperelandir} {{unholy fire}Speed: %speed}</code>
 +-=Head: 198/198 Chest: 436/436 Spirit: 410/582 Endurance: 1542/1542 Elan: 1111/falling Speed: 29=-
 +===Calabora's Reaper Bar===
 +My attempt at a reaper bar. Modified (not very much) from the default Darkfire bar. More changes to come, maybe.
 +<code>set sbar to {{darkfire}:: Head: {{green}%head}/{{dark green}%mhead} Chest: {{green}%chest}/{{dark green}%mchest} End: {{yellow}%end}/{{dark yellow}%mend} SP: {{cyan}%sp}/{{dark cyan}%msp} Speed: {{pink}%speed} ::},{{darkfire}:: $:{{yellow}%wealth}/{{dark yellow}%mwealth} Level: {{bright red}%level} Next Level:{{dark red} %rxp} Elan:{{violet} %reaperelan}{{mauve} (%reaperelandir)} Target: %ahealth ::} </code>
 +:: Head: 66/66 Chest: 146/146 End: 442/615 SP: 9/348 Speed: 24 ::
 +:: $:0/31576 Level: 15 Next Level: 5204 Elan: 89 (steady) Target: None ::
 +=== TMI Status Bar by Ralnos===
 +Replace what is meant to be replaced and you'll get something like this.
 + [Name: Virceris(50)] [G#: 39350/39624] [QP: 167] [TNL: 284315]
 + [SP: 364/923] [End: 2269/2269] [HP: 1818/1818] [Vitals: 182/400]
 + [Lives: 10] [Speed: 39] [Align: neutral]
 + [Attackers: 0] [Victim: None] [LExploration: 68]
 +<code>set status bar to {{red}[}{{replace color here with whatever}Name: Charactername}{{golden}(%level)}{{red}]} {{red}[}{{golden}G#:} %wealth/%mwealth{{red}]} {{red}[}{{bright white}QP:} %qp{{red}]} {{red}[}TNL: %rxp{{red}]}%newline{{red}[}{{cyan}SP:} %sp/%msp{{red}]} {{red}[}{{green}End:} %end/%mend{{red}]} {{red}[}{{bright red}HP:} %hp/%mhp{{red}]} {{red}[}{{bright red}Vitals:} %head/%chest{{red}]}%newline{{red}[}{{pearlescent}Lives: %lives}{{red}]} {{red}[}{{airy}Speed:} %speed{{red}]} {{red}[}{{shimmering}Align:} %align{{red}]}%newline{{red}[}{{mottled red}Attackers:} %acount{{red}]} {{red}[}{{hellfire}Victim:} %ahealth{{red}]} {{red}[}{{forest}LExploration:} %lex{{red}]}</code>

Revision as of 00:32, 29 November 2016


Built in Status Bars

These are the built in status bars. To use one as they currently are, use the following:

set status bar to <status bar name>

If you wanted to edit one of these defaults, here the codes to recreate them are provided.

Darkfire by Erebus

{{darkfire}:: Head: {{green}%head}/{{dark green}%mhead} Chest: {{green}%chest}/{{dark green}%mchest} End: {{yellow}%end}/{{dark yellow}%mend} SP: {{cyan}%sp}/{{dark cyan}%msp} Speed: {{pink}%speed} ::},{{darkfire}:: $: {{yellow}%wealth}/{{dark yellow}%mwealth} XP: {{bright red}%rxp} QP: {{violet}%qp} Target: %ahealth ::}


{{blue}[} {{white}Spirit:} {{green}%sp}{{white}/}{{dark green}%msp} {{white}Endurance:} {{green}%end}{{white}/}{{dark green}%mend} {{white}Speed:} {{pink}%speed} {{white}Head:} {{green}%head}{{white}/}{{dark green}%mhead} {{white}Chest:} {{green}%chest}{{white}/}{{dark green}%mchest} {{blue}]}

Battlerager Bar by Brawn

{{black}HP:}{{green}%hp}{{black}/}{{purple}%mhp} {{black}Speed:}{{cyan}%speed} {{black}Xp:}{{purple}%rxp} {{black}$:}{{yellow}%wealth}{{black}/}{{purple}%mwealth} {{black}Sp:}{{pink}%sp}{{black}/}{{purple}%msp} {{black}End:}{{pink}%end}{{black}/}{{purple}%mend} {{black}Align:}{{purple}%align} {{black}Online:}{{purple}%ap} {{black}Victim:}{{copper}%ahealth} %rager

Seek's Playing Bar

{{green}[SP: {{blue}%sp}/{{blue}%msp}]  [End: {{blue}%end}/{{blue}%mend}]  [HP: {{blue}%hp}/{{blue}%mhp}]  [Exp: {{blue}%rxp}]  [$: {{blue}%wealth}/{{blue}%mwealth}]},{{green}[Al: {{blue}%align}]  [QP: {{blue}%qp}]  [Limbs: {{blue}%head}/{{blue}%chest}]}

Fun Bar by Fixy

{{green}[Sp: {{blue}%sp}/{{blue}%msp}]  [Ed: {{blue}%end}/{{blue}%mend}]  [Hp: {{blue}%hp}/{{blue}%mhp}]  [H/C: {{blue}%head}/{{blue}%chest}]  [$: {{blue}%wealth}/{{blue}%mwealth}]},{{green}[Al: {{blue}%align}]  [Qp: {{blue}%qp}]  [Eat: {{blue}%hunger}/{{blue}%thirst}]  [Ex: {{blue}%rxp}]}

Quebond's Azure Bar

{{dark gray}[}{{cyan}%air}/{{cyan}%mair}a{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{violet}%xos}/{{violet}%mxos}x{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{cyan}%elc}/{{cyan}%melc}e{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{bright red}%ahealth}{{dark gray}]},{{dark gray}[}{{white}%sp}/{{white}%msp}sp{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{yellow}%end}/{{yellow}%mend}end{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{green}%hp}/{{green}%mhp}hp{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{bright red}%head}:{{bright red}%chest}/{{bright red}%mhead}:{{bright red}%mchest}h:c{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{cyan}%speed}spd{{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{yellow flame}%wealth/%mwealth}${{dark gray}]} {{dark gray}[}{{gleaming cyan}%rxp/%nxp}xp{{dark gray}]}

Kaen's Azure Bar

set status bar to {{blue}[} {{white}Spirit:} {{green}%sp}{{white}/}{{dark green}%msp} {{white}Endurance:} {{green}%end}{{white}/}{{dark green}%mend} {{white}Speed:} {{pink}%speed} {{white}Head:} {{green}%head}{{white}/}{{dark green}%mhead} {{white}Chest:} {{green}%chest}{{white}/}{{dark green}%mchest} {{blue}]},{{blue}[} {{white}Air: {{cyan}%air}/{{dull cyan}%mair} Chaos: {{cyan}%xos}/{{dull cyan}%mxos} Elec: {{cyan}%elc}/{{dull cyan}%melc} Gold: {{yellow}%wealth}/{{dull yellow}%mwealth} Xp: {{cyan}%rxp} {{blue}]}}

Reaper Bar by Erebus

{{white}-=}{{black}{{red}head}{{white}:} %head{{white}.}%mhead {{red}chest}{{white}:} %chest{{white}.}%mchest {{red}sp}{{white}:} %sp{{white}.}%msp {{red}end}{{white}:} %end{{white}.}%mend {{red}speed}{{white}:} %speed {{red}victim}{{white}:} %ahealth},{{black}{{red}xp}{{white}:} %xp{{white}.}%rxp {{red}$}{{white}:} %wealth{{white}.}%mwealth {{dim fire}blood and souls}{{white}:} %kills {{red}align}{{white}:} %align %reaper{{white}=-}}

Nerevarine's Ringwielder bar

set status bar to {{bright white}Sp:} {{bright green}%sp/%msp} {{bright white}End:} {{bright green}%end/%mend} {{bright white}Head:} {{bright green}%head/%mhead} {{bright white}Chest:} {{bright green}%chest/%mchest} << {{bright pink}%speed} >>,{{ruby}%align} / {{bright pink}%diverge} {{bright white}tgt:} {{bright yellow}%ahealth} {{bright white}XP+:} {{sky blue}%rxp}  ::{{darkfire}%timeofday}::

Nerevarine's Shoggoth bar

set status bar to {{bright white}Sp:} {{bright green}%sp/%msp} {{bright white}End:} {{bright green}%end/%mend} {{bright white}Chest:} {{bright green}%chest/%mchest} << {{bright pink}%speed} >>,{{darkfire}Hunger}: {{palomino}%hunger / %thirst},{{ruby}%align} / {{bright pink}%diverge} {{bright white}tgt:} {{bright yellow}%ahealth} {{bright white}XP+:} {{sky blue}%rxp},{{bright white}Vorgaal:{{shimmering yellow}%cvorgaal/%mvorgaal}:} {{shimmering black}%avorgaal} {{bright red}))}{{bright yellow}))}{{bright white} %phlogr}% {{bright yellow}((}{{bright red}((}

Custom Created Status Bars

Status bar creations -- simply copy the selected status bar and paste in your client window

Hopefully others will post theirs to share in the creation!


Basic Status Bar

set status bar to {{blue}SP:}{{dark red}%sp{{blue}/}%msp} {{blue}END:}{{dark red}%end{{blue}/}%mend} {{blue}Speed:}{{red}%speed} {{bright white}[}{{blue}HP:}{{bright red}%hp{{bright white}/}%mhp}{{bright white}]} {{blue}XP LVL:}{{yellow}%rxp} {{blue}$:} {{red}%wealth}{{blue}/}{{red}%mwealth},{{white}Target Health:} %ahealth {{dark white}%ethics}{{white}/}{{dark white}%align}

Display Example:
SP:841/841 END:1661/1661 Speed:42 [HP:878/878] XP LVL:266375 $: 9591/63401
Target Health: None saintly and undisciplined/saintly and innovative
Created by: Phyn

Kenpachi's Nizari Bar

set status bar to {{dark red}//} {{shimmering}Head:} {{white}%head/%mhead} {{shimmering}Chest:} {{black}%chest/%mchest} {{shimmering}End:} {{dark red}%end/%mend} {{shimmering}Speed:} {{white}%speed} {{dark red}\\\\},{{dark red}//} {{shimmering}Wealth:} {{black}%wealth/%mwealth} {{shimmering}XP:} {{dark red}%rxp} {{shimmering}QP:} {{black}%qp} {{shimmering}Target:} {{white}%ahealth} {{dark red}\\\\}

Sammeth's Standard Bar

set status bar to {{bright white}[{{blue}SP}:%sp/{{dark green}%msp}][{{blue}End}:%end/{{dark green}%mend}][{{blue}Speed}:%speed][{{blue}Head}:%head/{{dark green}%mhead}][{{blue}Chest}:%chest/{{dark green}%mchest}][{{blue}HP}:%hp/{{dark green}%mhp}][{{blue}XP}:{{purple}%rxp}][{{blue}$}:{{yellow}%wealth}][{{blue}Al}:%align][{{blue}At}:%acount][{{blue}Foe}:%ahealth]}

Beasty's Standard Bar

set status bar to %timeofday => {{green}SP :}{{blue}%sp} {{green}Spd:}{{blue}%speed} {{green}Head:}{{blue}%head}{{green}/%mhead} {{green}Chest:}{{blue}%chest}{{green}/%mchest} {{green}E:}{{blue}%end}{{green}/%mend} {{green}HP:}{{blue}%hp}{{green}/%mhp} {{green}$:}{{blue}$%wealth}{{green}/$%mwealth} %newline{{green}XP: %rxp Lvl->%level} {{green}atkr:}{{blue}%ahealth} {{green}glands:}{{blue}%phlogr}"

Ralnos' Cybersuit Bar

set status bar to {{flickering bright green} [----------------------{{bright red}Systems}: {{pale blue}Online}------------------------]}, {{bright green}[}{{lightning}Energy:} %sp/{{bright cyan}%msp}{{bright green}] [}{{bright yellow}Stamina:} %end/{{bright cyan}%mend}{{bright green}] [}{{bright red}Integrity:} %hp/{{bright cyan}%mhp}{{bright green}], [}{{airy}Speed:} %speed{{bright green}] [}{{soulfire}Enemies:} %acount{{bright green}] [}{{bright fire}Enemy:} %ahealth{{bright green}]}, %sentinel {{flickering bright green}[-------------------------------------------------------------]}

Ralnos intones: Remember to copy ALL the spaces and not remove any if you want it to look like it does below. Best viewed on MUSHClient with a resolution of 1152x864.

[----------------------Systems: Online------------------------]
 [Energy: 310/310]   [Stamina: 500/500]   [Integrity: 546/546]
 [Speed:  21]        [Enemies: 0]         [Enemy: None]
         [ Shielding: [inactive] Flight: [inactive] ] 

Ralnos' Discordian Bar

{{chaotic}[Name: {{random}Character} {{golden}(%level)}] [$$$: %wealth/%mwealth]%newline[Chaos Fuel: %sp/%msp] [Stamina:%end/%mend] [Wellbeing: %hp/%mhp]%newline[Vitals: %head/%chest] [Acceleration: %speed] [Heretics: %acount] [Victim: %ahealth]%newline[Locals Met: %lex] [Stricken %deaths times] [Divergence: %align]}

Ralnos whispers: Be sure to replace the name with your character's name. This is a very colorful status bar, by the way.

Eithne's Coven Bar

It's a bit basic, but it gets the job done.

set status bar to ,{{blue} [} {{bright white}SP: %sp/{{dark green}%msp} End: %end/{{dark green}%mend} Speed: %speed Head: %head/{{dark green}%mhead} Chest: %chest/{{dark green}%mchest} HP: %hp/{{dark green}%mhp}}{{blue} ]}, {{blue}[} {{bright white}Air: {{cyan}%air}/{{dark cyan}%mair} {{bright white}Earth:} {{yellow}%ert}/{{dark yellow}%mert} Water: {{cyan}%wtr}/{{dark cyan}%mwtr} Fire: {{bright red}%fir}/{{dark red}%mfir}}{{blue} ]}, {{blue}[} {{bright white}LV: {{bright red}%level} XP: {{bright purple}%rxp} QP: {{dark cyan}%qp} Gold: {{yellow}%wealth}/{{dark yellow}%mwealth} Att: {{dark white}%acount} Foe: {{dark white}%ahealth} {{blue}]}},,>

Here's what it looks like:

[ SP: 524/836  End: 920/920  Speed: 25  Head: 63/63  Chest: 138/138  HP: 626/626 ]
[ Air: 70.6744/74.1  Earth: 69.1516/72.1  Water: 70.9357/74.1  Fire: 69.78/72.7 ]
[ LV: 16  XP: 18805  QP: 18  Gold: 16120/47188  Att: 0  Foe: None ]

Bennie's Ringwraith Bar

Taking inspiration from the Ringwraith bar preset, I made this for my own character and decided to share it. The main change is matching the color scheme to the guild.

set status bar to {{dark red}[}{{gold}=} {{white}Head:}{{bright green} %head/%mhead} {{white}Chest:} {{bright green}%chest/%mchest} {{light blue}SP:} {{bright green}%sp/%msp} {{dark yellow}END:} {{bright green}%end/%mend} {{dark red}SPEED:} %speed {{dark red} GP:} {{shimmering gold}%wealth/%mwealth} {{dark red}QP:} {{gold}%qp} {{orange}<{{black}|}>}{{darkfire}%timeofday}{{orange}<{{black}|}>} {{gold}=}{{dark red}]}


[= Head: 59/59 Chest: 129/129 SP: 883/888 END: 750/750  SPEED: 43            
Wealth: 134/41952 QP: 117 <|>Day<|> =]

Benny's Reaper Bar

Another bar. I made one I personally like better than the basic bar, it's pretty and it shows all I really want to see - vitals health, sp, endurance, and elan/elandirection.

set status bar to -={{unholy fire}Head: %head/}{{black}%mhead} {{unholy fire}Chest: %chest/}{{black}%mchest} {{unholy fire}Spirit: %sp/}{{black}%msp} {{unholy fire}Endurance: %end/}{{black}%mend} {{unholy fire}Elan: %reaperelan/}{{black}%reaperelandir} {{unholy fire}Speed: %speed}

-=Head: 198/198 Chest: 436/436 Spirit: 410/582 Endurance: 1542/1542 Elan: 1111/falling Speed: 29=-

Calabora's Reaper Bar

My attempt at a reaper bar. Modified (not very much) from the default Darkfire bar. More changes to come, maybe.

set sbar to {{darkfire}:: Head: {{green}%head}/{{dark green}%mhead} Chest: {{green}%chest}/{{dark green}%mchest} End: {{yellow}%end}/{{dark yellow}%mend} SP: {{cyan}%sp}/{{dark cyan}%msp} Speed: {{pink}%speed} ::},{{darkfire}:: $:{{yellow}%wealth}/{{dark yellow}%mwealth} Level: {{bright red}%level} Next Level:{{dark red} %rxp} Elan:{{violet} %reaperelan}{{mauve} (%reaperelandir)} Target: %ahealth ::}


Head: 66/66 Chest: 146/146 End: 442/615 SP: 9/348 Speed: 24 ::
$:0/31576 Level: 15 Next Level: 5204 Elan: 89 (steady) Target: None ::

TMI Status Bar by Ralnos

Replace what is meant to be replaced and you'll get something like this.

 [Name: Virceris(50)] [G#: 39350/39624] [QP: 167] [TNL: 284315]
 [SP: 364/923] [End: 2269/2269] [HP: 1818/1818] [Vitals: 182/400]
 [Lives: 10] [Speed: 39] [Align: neutral]
 [Attackers: 0] [Victim: None] [LExploration: 68]

set status bar to {{red}[}{{replace color here with whatever}Name: Charactername}{{golden}(%level)}{{red}]} {{red}[}{{golden}G#:} %wealth/%mwealth{{red}]} {{red}[}{{bright white}QP:} %qp{{red}]} {{red}[}TNL: %rxp{{red}]}%newline{{red}[}{{cyan}SP:} %sp/%msp{{red}]} {{red}[}{{green}End:} %end/%mend{{red}]} {{red}[}{{bright red}HP:} %hp/%mhp{{red}]} {{red}[}{{bright red}Vitals:} %head/%chest{{red}]}%newline{{red}[}{{pearlescent}Lives: %lives}{{red}]} {{red}[}{{airy}Speed:} %speed{{red}]} {{red}[}{{shimmering}Align:} %align{{red}]}%newline{{red}[}{{mottled red}Attackers:} %acount{{red}]} {{red}[}{{hellfire}Victim:} %ahealth{{red}]} {{red}[}{{forest}LExploration:} %lex{{red}]}

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