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Been around under various atman's since late '94 coming and going for years at a time. Best known as Aragorn l'Elfstone and Elrohir during the mid-to-late nineties. Since the database rewrite more commonly known as Gavadel son of Ganalon. A big fan of Zelazny, Tolkien and Jordan and would dearly love to see the at least 14 year promised Amber on the grid someday. :)

Also after a conversation today with Puncture and Thaulmanau I was shocked to discover some players hold a 'show your atman or we refuse to help you' policy. I have nothing to hide, I just value my privacy. Privacy settings are a choice for the individual player and if I'd been asked in a nice way I might have shown (I have been thinking about it for a while actually), but the threat 'show or help is going to be with-held' really got my back up. I have no really good reason for being private (it's just something I set years ago on this atman and never got around to setting it public again) but I sincerely believe in the freedom of choice on this matter, simply on principal and peer pressure of this sort on a matter such as privacy makes me feel a little ill.