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Keziah's rune picks

The polished surface of gold band is etched with the runes
krah-li, thabtka, qiange, ekaschos, omavistis, memtholin, festiglis, quesivsk,
gevel, mragsh, aaglyth, ulkhnaur, jaderaleq, kelvryx, kaonfar, fyl'thyrzha,
ravarak, grosvsk, ilaeri, vanar, irimdes, b'padhax, grynovsk, emtat, qx,
zerivalak, fyegreh, vilix, mordekres, zadash, ciiv, n'rax, and batarim

Zena's rune picks

The polished surface of gold band is etched with the runes
slurtaw, rbardanis, krah-li, ekaschos, memtholin, thabtka, somagth, aaglyth,
omavistis, irimdes, hytelmos, n'rax, ciiv, zadash, rethnal, batarim, qx,
ulkhnaur, poltradn, evrak, sithalg, zil, paezan, dakati, emtat, jaderaleq,
colapha, mizakral, symnat, qiange, yisaa, arkonaad, dysamak, bzaan, vanar,
venglar, leminkail, nysevrak, kelvryx, ilaeri, and ylamari,
  • bzaan was an accidental pick and is not that great compared to venglar, oops

Mento's rune picks

The polished surface of gold band is etched with the runes
aaglyth, thabtka, krah-li, ekaschos, qiange, vanar, irimdes, omavistis,
wzadris, gaj, memtholin, somagth, n'rax, zadash, ciiv, mizakral, b'padhax,
fyegreh, and khyaros

Tankus and Gankus

Tankus and Gankus were a pair of NPC Ringwielders that belong to Tako. This is no longer possible for NPC gogtzulu to do, but it was neat while it lasted.