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(        [ = Aaglyth = ]
 )   )     [ Type                    : ] enhancement
(   (      [ Description             : ] chaos favour
 \   )     [ Significance            : ] minor
  ) (      [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] none
 (   )     [ Maintenance Spirit Cost : ] one every one minute and thirty seconds to two minutes and thirty seconds
  \_/      [ Control Skills          : ] five parts power tuning
                                         four parts poetry
                                         three parts power channeling
                                         three parts power focusing
                                         two parts chaos affinity
                                         two parts chaoturgy
                                         one part power direction
           [ Specialty Access        : ] poetry degree II access, chaoturgy degree I access
           [ Requirements to Know    : ] have at least 40 points among:
                                            100% of Erisian skill
                                            100% of chaos affinity skill
                                            100% of chaoturgy skill
                                            50% of order resistance skill
                                            30% of rune lore skill
                                            or worship Eris

Ahrikol has performed certain services for the forces of chaos, and in return has the ability to grant chaos favour through his Rings of Power. This is accomplished by means of the rune aaglyth.

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