An Ognar Stew

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Standard Information

Thack in Og needs help filling Mervin's stewpot for the local tavern, ask her about organ donations.

   Estimated Mental Difficulty Rating:   Five
   Estimated Physical Difficulty Rating: Two
   Estimated Danger Rating:              Six
Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.

Go to Thack and ask about the stew and she'll have you fetch a random body part on a random animal to create the stew. After you've brought the required amount of the body part, the quest will be complete. She'll remember how many you've brought, even over server reboots.

You state, {organ donations} in Angrak.
Thack cackles with glee.
Thack asserts, -|So you want donate organ?  Sure sure, not yours, no worry, what need is good fresh organ.|- in Angrak.
Thack stares upward for several moments.
Thack asserts, -|Tell you what, bring thirteen cow vulvae I tell Mervin cook fresh stew, okay?  Hurry.|- in Angrak.
Thack cackles delightfully.
Thack asserts, -|Good to rip flesh with hands once in while.|- in Angrak.
You give a vulva to Thack with your right hand.
Thack asserts, -|Aaah, you give an organ yes this I use.  Lessee, need.. two.. three?  More, get more, I know when enough.|-in Angrak.
[2023 Oct 22 12:27] [OOC Faendal]     Thack asserts, -|Tell you what, bring
thirty horse thyroid glands I tell Mervin cook fresh stew, okay?  Hurry.|- in
[2023 Oct 22 12:27] [OOC Faendal] LOVE some horse thyroids


It seems that giving big stacks of the same organ messes things up and may only count for one each. Presumably, counting is not Thack's strong suit.

End of spoiler information.
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