Biblia Scyros

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This book is found in multiple translation, by multiple NPCs per language of translation. Each translation is considered a different book.

Known transliterations are:

  • From Graecan to Caladan by Fr. Sabenius, A.A. 535
    • Appearance: black-leather-bound paper book (in black and white)
  • From Caladan to Anglic by Tochoda of Losthaven, A.D. 308
    • Appearance: red-runed-black-leather-bound parchment book (in black-and-red and tan)
Spoiler warning: information below includes details, such as solutions to puzzles or quest procedures, that you may prefer to discover on your own.


The writing is in Graecan, and reads:

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, you will build unto Me a great house, and the name of the house will be called Cis. And the outer walls of Cis will be measured nine hundred and two thousand metroi in the lay, and five hundred and one thousand metroi in the line. And the inner walls of Cis will be measured two hundred and one thousand metroi in the lay, and eight hundred metroi in the line. And within the heart of hearts of My house will be the place of restriction, and it will be measured eighty metroi in the lay and thirty metroi in the line. And within the walls of Cis will be dwelling for My servants and My creatures, and within the halls of Cis will be blades, and arrangements of blades, and devices for ingenious cutting, and other diverse things which are pleasing unto My eye.

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, you will make the doors of Cis of hewn acacia, and the gates of Cis you will make of hewn ash. And upon the gates of Cis and the doors of Cis you will place my mark, for a sign and a warning.

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, in the courtyard of Cis you will make a great table, and it will be attended by carrying-pots and sluicing-troughs, and it will have binding-hooks and blood-gutters, and upon this table will the people perform the sacrifices unto Me which I have taught to you. And My power will be upon the hearts of the people, and My joy will kindle in their eyes, and separation will be inaugurated.

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, when you have built unto Me My house which is named Cis, you will come into the place of restriction, and it will pass that I will send my creature unto you, that you may prove yourself against its strength. And when you have honed and been honed and been shown the keener, you will raise your voice unto Me and call out:

O Lord Scyros of the blades
I come before you, worthy
I come before you, blooded
I will carry your knives within my heart
I will show the people your glory
O accept me, your servant

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, I will hear your voice, and hearken unto it, and my power will enter into you, and separate you, and hone you, and you will be raised over all my servants and creatures for your span. You will be the Paragon of Scyros, and great upon the earth.

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, upon the turning of the year, each year, the people will bring to Cis the greatest among them, and I will send My creatures unto him, that he may prove himself against their strength. And it will be that within each year, upon each passing of the Paragon, will the number of the creatures which I shall send unto this one have increase, that only the keenest may serve Me, who despiseth the dull edge. And should this one show himself keener than my creatures, you will cast your thoughts within your heart, and test his worthiness there. And should he find worthiness within your heart, you will withdraw, and pass my regard unto him. And should he not find worthiness within your heart, you will strike him down with great wrath, by which his worthiness will be disproven, or will be proven in truest measure.

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, when the full separation of my power is upon you, My servant, you will have with you these calls, as a sign unto Me, that My might may aid you and preserve you. Call unto Me by My holy name and the key which is the key I shall grant you. The first of these keys which I give you is Succor, that you may be guarded and preserved. The second of these keys which I give you is Removal, that your enemies may be struck down. The third of these keys which I give you is Cleansing, that your essences may be kept pure. The fourth of these keys which I give you is Honing, that your edge may be the keenest. The fifth of these keys which I give you is Returning, that My glory may never be far from you.

And the Lord Scyros spoke to Agahaldar, saying, go now unto the people, and tell them that which will come to pass. Tell them that I am Scyros their Lord, and let them raise their voices unto me and make sacrifice.

And Agahaldar gathered unto himself the people of Scyria, and spoke to them, saying all that which the Lord Scyros had said to him. And the people were much in awe, and bowed before Agahaldar, and acclaimed him as the voice of Scyros. And the people said to Agahaldar, we will do all that which the Lord Scyros has said.

And Agahaldar and the people came to a place upon a high hill, and there they laid outer walls and measured them nine hundred and two thousand metroi in the lay, and five hundred and one thousand metroi in the line. And they laid inner walls and measured them two hundred and one thousand metroi in the lay, and eight hundred metroi in the line. And within the inner walls they built halls and dwellings, and a closed place, and measured it eighty metroi in the lay and thirty metroi in the line. And within its halls they placed arrangements of blades, and devices for ingenious cutting, and other diverse things. And they made doors of hewn acacia, and gates of hewn ash, and placed the mark of Lord Scyros upon them, for a sign and a warning. And in the courtyard they devised a great table, attended by carrying-pots and sluicing- troughs, having binding-hooks and blood-gutters. And Agahaldar called the name of the place Cis, for it was the house which had been ordained by the Lord Scyros.

And Agahaldar and the people came to the valley of the Hestians which lies to the south, and there they fought with the warriors of the Hestians, and proved the keener. And they took from among the Hestians thirty and two hundred of their cattle, and eighty and one hundred of their flocks, and ninety of their long-haired goats, and sixty of their short-haired goats, and forty of their young men, and two and thirty of their young women. And they took these to Cis, to the courtyard there and the great table, and there they were offered as a sacrifice unto the Lord Scyros in manner which He has taught the people. And the regard and blessing of the Lord Scyros came upon the people, and they became prosperous.

And it came to pass that Agahaldar passed within Cis, and entered the place of restriction, and there was the passage of a day and a night. And Agahaldar came forth from the place of restriction, and it was seen that the power of the Lord Scyros lay heavily upon him, and he went over the people, and taught them all their ways.


Translated from the Graecan by Fr. Sabenius, A.A. 535


And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, you will build unto Me a mighty temple, and the name of the temple will be called Cis. And the outer walls of Cis will be limited nine hundred and two thousand metroi in the lay, and five hundred and one thousand metroi in the line. And the inner walls of Cis will be limited two hundred and one thousand metroi in the lay, and eight hundred metroi in the line. And within the core of cores of My temple will be the place of cutting off, and it will be limited eighty metroi in the lay and thirty metroi in the line. And within the walls of Cis will be repose for My slaves and My servitors, and within the halls of Cis will be blades, and arrangements of blades, and devices for ingenious cutting, and other diverse things which are pleasing unto My eye.

And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, you will make the doors of Cis of cut acacia, and the gates of Cis you will make of cut ash. And upon the gates of Cis and the doors of Cis you will place my mark, for a sign and a warning.

And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, in the courtyard of Cis you will make a mighty table, and it will be attended by moving-pots and running-troughs, and it will have keeping-hooks and blood-vessels, and upon this table will the people perform the sacrifices unto Me which I have taught to you. And My power will be upon the cores of the people, and My joy will kindle in their eyes, and isolation will be inaugurated.

And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, when you have built unto Me My temple which is named Cis, you will come into the place of cutting off, and it will pass that I will send my servitor unto you, that you may show yourself against its strength. And when you have honed and been honed and been shown the sharper, you will elevate your voice unto Me and call out:

O Lord Scyros of the blades
I come before you, worthy
I come before you, blooded
I will carry your knives within my core
I will show the people your radiance
O accept me, your slave

And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, I will hear your voice, and hearken unto it, and my power will enter into you, and isolate you, and hone you, and you will be elevated over all my slaves and servitors for your span. You will be the Progeny of Scyros, and mighty upon the earth.

And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, upon the turning of the year, each year, the people will bring to Cis the mightiest among them, and I will send My servitors unto him, that he may show himself against their strength. And it will be that within each year, upon each passing of the Progeny, will the number of the servitors which I shall send unto this one have increase, that only the sharpest may serve Me, who despiseth the dull edge. And should this one show himself sharper than my servitors, you will cast your thoughts within your core, and test his worthiness there. And should he find worthiness within your core, you will withdraw, and pass my regard unto him. And should he not find worthiness within your core, you will strike him down with mighty wrath, by which his worthiness will be disproven, or will be shown in most faithful measure.

And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, when the full isolation of my power is upon you, My slave, you will have with you these calls, as a sign unto Me, that My might may aid you and preserve you. Call unto Me by My holy name and the tool which is the tool I shall grant you. The first of these tools which I give you is Help, that you may be guarded and preserved. The second of these tools which I give you is Removal, that your enemies may be struck down. The third of these tools which I give you is Purity, that your vital fluids may be kept pure. The fourth of these tools which I give you is Whetting, that your edge may be the sharpest. The fifth of these tools which I give you is Restoration, that My radiance may never be far from you.

And the Lord Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, go now unto the people, and tell them that which will come to pass. Tell them that I am Scyros their Lord, and let them elevate their voices unto me and make sacrifice.

And Agahaldar gathered unto himself the people of Scyria, and spake to them, saying all that which the Lord Scyros had said to him. And the people were much in fear, and knelt before Agahaldar, and acclaimed him as the voice of Scyros. And the people said to Agahaldar, we will do all that which the Lord Scyros has said.

And Agahaldar and the people came to a place upon a tall mound, and there they laid outer walls and limited them nine hundred and two thousand metroi in the lay, and five hundred and one thousand metroi in the line. And they laid inner walls and limited them two hundred and one thousand metroi in the lay, and eight hundred metroi in the line. And within the inner walls they built halls and reposings, and a closed place, and limited it eighty metroi in the lay and thirty metroi in the line. And within its halls they placed arrangements of blades, and devices for ingenious cutting, and other diverse things. And they made doors of cut acacia, and gates of cut ash, and placed the mark of Lord Scyros upon them, for a sign and a warning. And in the courtyard they devised a mighty table, attended by moving-pots and running- troughs, having keeping-hooks and blood-vessels. And Agahaldar called the name of the place Cis, for it was the temple which had been made lawful by the Lord Scyros.

And Agahaldar and the people came to the valley of the Hestians which lies to the south, and there they fought with the warriors of the Hestians, and proved the sharper. And they took from among the Hestians thirty and two hundred of their horses, and eighty and one hundred of their oxen, and ninety of their long-haired unicorns, and sixty of their short-haired unicorns, and forty of their kids, and two and thirty of their fowl. And they took these to Cis, to the courtyard there and the mighty table, and there they were offered as a sacrifice unto the Lord Scyros in manner which He has taught the people. And the regard and blessing of the Lord Scyros came upon the people, and they became prosperous.

And it came to pass that Agahaldar passed within Cis, and entered the place of cutting off, and there was the passage of a day and a night. And Agahaldar came forth from the place of cutting off, and it was seen that the power of the Lord Scyros lay heavily upon him, and he went over the people, and taught them all their ways.


Translated from the Caladan by Tochoda of Losthaven, A.D. 308


And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, thou wilt build unto Me a mighty church, and the name of the church wilt be called Cis. And the outer fences of Cis wilt be restrained nine hundred and two thousand cubits in the lay, and five hundred and one thousand cubits in the line. And the inner fences of Cis wilt be restrained two hundred and one thousand cubits in the lay, and eight hundred cubits in the line. And within the apple of apples of Mine church wilt be the place of decapitation, and it wilt be restrained eighty cubits in the lay and thirty cubits in the line. And within the fences of Cis wilt be repose for Mine slaves and Mine servitors, and within the halls of Cis wilt be blades, and place-settings of blades, and demons for magical slicing, and other underwater things which are delicious unto Mine eye.

And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, thou wilt make the doors of Cis of sliced gopher, and the gates of Cis thou wilt make of sliced dust. And over the gates of Cis and the doors of Cis thou wilt place my scar, for a flag and a threat.

And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, in the courtyard of Cis thou wilt make a mighty couch, and it wilt be attended by walking-pots and running-troughs, and it wilt have keeping-hooks and arteries, and over this couch wilt the people perform the sacrifices unto Me which I have taught to thou. And Mine power wilt be over the apples of the people, and Mine joy wilt ignite in their eyes, and confusion wilt be haruspicated.

And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, when thou have built unto Me Mine church which is named Cis, thou wilt arrive into the place of decapitation, and it wilt pass that I wilt send my servitor unto thou, that thou may expose yourself against its strength. And when thou have shaven and been shaven and been shown the sharper, thou wilt elevate thine voice unto Me and call out:

O LORD Scyros of the blades
I arrive before thou, usable
I arrive before thou, bleeding
I wilt carry thine knives within my apple
I wilt show the people thine inferno
O accept me, thine slave

And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, I wilt hear thine voice, and hearken unto it, and my power wilt enter into thou, and confuse thou, and shave thou, and thou wilt be elevated over all my slaves and servitors for thine span. Thou wilt be the Spawn of Scyros, and mighty over the rocks.

And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, over the turning of the month, each month, the people wilt bring to Cis the mightiest among them, and I wilt send Mine servitors unto him, that he may expose himself against their strength. And it wilt be that within each month, over each passing of the Spawn, wilt the number of the servitors which I shall send unto this one have increase, that only the sharpest may serve Me, who trod on the dull edge. And should this one show himself sharper than my servitors, thou wilt cast thine thoughts within thine apple, and test his worthiness there. And should he find worthiness within thine apple, thou wilt withdraw, and pass my regard unto him. And should he not find worthiness within thine apple, thou wilt strike him down with mighty wrath, by which his worthiness wilt be disproven, or wilt be exposed in prayerful restraint.

And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, when the full confusion of my power is over thou, Mine slave, thou wilt have with thou these calls, as a flag unto Me, that Mine might may aid thou and jelly thou. Call unto Me by Mine holy name and the hammer which is the hammer I shall grant thou. The first of these hammers which I give thou is Distress, that thou may be guarded and jellied. The second of these hammers which I give thou is Removal, that thine enemies may be struck down. The third of these hammers which I give thou is Sterility, that thine phlegms may be kept pure. The fourth of these hammers which I give thou is Shaving, that thine edge may be the sharpest. The fifth of these hammers which I give thou is Undoing, that Mine inferno may never be far from thou.

And the LORD Scyros spake to Agahaldar, saying, go now unto the people, and tell them that which wilt arrive to pass. Tell them that I am Scyros their LORD, and let them elevate their voices unto me and make sacrifice.

And Agahaldar gathered unto himself the people of Scyria, and spake to them, saying all that which the LORD Scyros had said to him. And the people were much in terror, and knelt before Agahaldar, and shouted at him as the voice of Scyros. And the people said to Agahaldar, we wilt do all that which the LORD Scyros has said.

And Agahaldar and the people arrived to a place over a large bump, and there they laid outer fences and restrained them nine hundred and two thousand cubits in the lay, and five hundred and one thousand cubits in the line. And they laid inner fences and restrained them two hundred and one thousand cubits in the lay, and eight hundred cubits in the line. And within the inner fences they built halls and reposings, and a closed place, and restrained it eighty cubits in the lay and thirty cubits in the line. And within its halls they placed place-settings of blades, and demons for magical slicing, and other underwater things. And they made doors of sliced gopher, and gates of sliced dust, and placed the scar of LORD Scyros over them, for a flag and a threat. And in the courtyard they devised a mighty couch, attended by walking-pots and running- troughs, having keeping-hooks and arteries. And Agahaldar called the name of the place Cis, for it was the church which had been legislated by the LORD Scyros.

And Agahaldar and the people arrived to the valley of the Hestians which lies to the west, and there they fought with the soldiers of the Hestians, and proved the sharper. And they took from among the Hestians thirty and two hundred of their horses, and eighty and one hundred of their oxen, and ninety of their fashionable unicorns, and sixty of their unfashionable unicorns, and forty of their unicorns, and two and thirty of their unpleasant birds. And they took these to Cis, to the courtyard there and the mighty couch, and there they were offered as a sacrifice unto the LORD Scyros in etiquette which He has taught the people. And the regard and blessing of the LORD Scyros arrived over the people, and they became well-endowed.

And it arrived to pass that Agahaldar passed within Cis, and entered the place of decapitation, and there was the passage of a day and a night. And Agahaldar arrived forth from the place of decapitation, and it was seen that the power of the LORD Scyros lay heavily over him, and he went over the people, and taught them all their ways.

End of spoiler information.