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This article is about the giant chicken creature. For chickens as empathic bonded familiars, see Chicken (Empathic Bond).

    The Chicken Race

    Rarity: Very Common
    Plural: Chickens
    Collective Term: a peep of chickens
    Anatomy: Avian
    Sexes: Male, Female
    Harm Skills:
        Animal Lore  44%
        Farming      44%
        Anatomy      11%

    No specific help is available for this race.
    Development Information: The chicken race was created by Lost Souls; the source code was last
updated Tue Mar 15 02:22:02 2016.

Chickens are small, oviparous (usually) flightless birds who are a common domesticated animal.

In Lost Souls, perhaps because of the influence of Hakkax, chickens are often spotted in their giant variety. At their enhanced size, their squawks can create damaging sonic frequencies, and their large beaks and claws can cause adequate combat damage. Additionally, their enhanced size seems to enable them to fly, and they can actually be mounted... those who are willing to be seen riding a flying chicken.

[OOC Marcosy] do you have any idea how many hundreds of distinct chickens this
game contains
[OOC Marcosy] so those particular chickens are Platonic Chickens, as cloned
from /obj/monsters/chicken.c
[OOC Marcosy] which are in fact marked as keepable with a very low keep cost
[OOC Aummius] Platonic Chickens
[OOC Merun] how's your animal handling skill?
[OOC Aummius] right what I expected from lost souls
[OOC Aummius] are there platonic versions of every critter?
[OOC Marcosy] no, but there are a lot of them
[OOC Marcosy] for example, /obj/monsters/human.c
[OOC Marcosy] almost never used
[OOC Marcosy] the vast majority of humans inherit from /std/autonomon and have
their race set directly
[OOC Marcosy] i am investigating your chicken complaint
[OOC Marcosy] in the mean time, try turning your chickens off and on again
[OOC Faendal] chicken investigations: ongoing
[OOC Pecolton] lol
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