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Emtat is DEAD! R.I.P.

It isn't here anymore. Don't bother looking for it in-game.

         [ = Emtat = ]
o oo o     [ Type                    : ] passive defense
| || |     [ Description             : ] sonic resistance
| || |     [ Significance            : ] minor
\ || /     [ Activation Spirit Cost  : ] none
 \\//      [ Maintenance Spirit Cost : ] one every one minute and thirty seconds to two minutes and thirty seconds
  \/       [ Control Skills          : ] eight parts physics,
                                         five parts power generation,
                                         four parts power focusing, four parts power tuning,
                                     and three parts power direction
           [ Specialty Access        : ] physics degree II access

The rune emtat provides protection from a somewhat unusual form of damage, sound. Any form of sonic attack will be resisted by this rune.

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