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Keph Strunthlg

   Summary: head facsimile
   Plural: G'keph
   Vorgaal: fifteen
   Typical Fungmrul: low
   Required to Know: have at least 80 points among 50% of empathy skill, 100%
       of anatomy skill, and 100% of animal lore skill
   Required to Flgathl: have at least 160 points among 50% of empathy skill,
       100% of anatomy skill, and 100% of animal lore skill
   Requirement to Flgathl Met: Yes
   Maximum Flgathu Formula: 3% of animal lore skill plus 2% of anatomy skill
       plus 1% of metamorphosis skill or sixteen, whichever is lower
   Your Maximum Flgathu: nine
   Capabilities Affected: vocalization
   Efficacy Formula: animal lore skill plus somatesthesia skill, with diminishing
       returns on a scaling factor of three
   Fl-n'gathl From: zath vorgaal
   Can Presently Flgathl: yes

The keph is an analogue of a ghaa'ghu head, complete with vocal apparatus (though lacking the weak ghaa'ghu equivalents of ythogu, eyes, and with no ingestive apparatus or chemoreceptors connected to the mouth or nose). Mimicking this inefficient construction is generally considered a waste of vorgaal, and no shoggoth would expose its central neural apparatus to easy targeting by placing it there, as ghaa'ghu persist in doing, but some shoggothim who interact with ghaa'ghu or use devices designed for them find g'keph useful. Note that, should you find that ghaa'ghu are put more at their ease by your fl'hlgath of a keph, that does not necessarily mean that they will find two g'keph twice as reassuring.

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