Memorize follower essence (Empathic Bonds)

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Memorize Follower

Memorize follower is the ability to commit an enchanted image of a follower to memory.


Concentrate on memorizing the essence of the follower. NB: this charm costs 700 spirit to activate.


The ability to commit an enchanted image of a follower to memory. To do this, concentrate on memorizing the essence of the follower. This ability is the keystone of a faculty of mnemonically preserving followers, a faculty that allows you to preserve your followers against the vicissitudes of time and fate. To exercise the ability to restore a follower from the enchanted mnemonic image, concentrate on mnemonically realizing the follower specified either by name or, more precisely, by the ordinality of the memory (e.g. "my second preserved memory"). To exercise the ability to call to mind and reflect upon the enchanted images you have burned into your memory, think about the essences burned into my memory. To exercise the ability to erase the enchanted image of a follower from memory, concentrate on forgetting the essence of the follower specified either by name or, more precisely, by the ordinality of the memory (e.g. "my second preserved memory").


The memorize charm updates the slot for the follower when performed on an already memorized follower.


concentrate on memorizing the essence of <x>

on a non-memorized follower

   Both your mottled orange eyes and Foghorn's black eyes flicker dimly for a
   brief moment.
   You and Foghorn stare intently at Sir Davadas.
   You are suddenly preternaturally, vividly aware of Sir Davadas, and you feel
   her countless features being burned into your memory.

on a memorized follower

   Both your mottled orange eyes and Foghorn's black eyes flicker dimly for a
   brief moment.
   You and Foghorn stare intently at Sir Davadas.
   You feel a whirlwind of mnemonic stimulation as your memory of Sir Davadas
   is augmented and updated.


think of the essences burned into my memory

   You think of the essences burned into your memory.
   Your mottled orange eyes shine intensely for a brief moment.
   You bring to your mind a series of chronistically acute, highly visual
   memories.  First, you see an exact image of Sir Davadas as she was precisely 
   seven hours, twenty-nine minutes, and sixteen seconds ago.  Second, you see an 
   exact image of Sir Bisudun as he was precisely seven hours, twenty-nine minutes, 
   and four seconds ago.


concentrate on forgetting the essence of <x>

   You concentrate on forgetting the essence of sir davadas.
   Your mottled orange eyes shine intensely for a brief moment.
   You feel a menomic void as your memory of Sir Davadas fades from hypervivid
   to normal.