Player Ozyman
From LSWiki
Atman: Bladestorm Level: 48 Race: kobold Sex: male Culture: Talantonite Occupation: Frater Ignis Aeternis Age: 1 week, 2 days, 14 hours, 32 minutes, 23 seconds Quest Points: 8 Natural Attributes Strength 23 Intelligence 112 Constitution 60 Dexterity 100 Willpower 40 Charisma 40 Perception 142 Size 21 Leaderboard Rankings #1 in Pacifists, Active #4 in Pacifists, All Time #10 in Developed Perception, Active #12 in Age To Quest Points Ratio, Active #24 in Developed Perception, All Time #29 in Level To Age Ratio, Active #47 in Natural Perception, Active #49 in Adjusted Perception, Active
Ozyman was an experiment in pacifist advancement, which means he was milking the alternate xp methods. I removed him after he heroed with very little actual interaction after the triggers and timers were set up. Some of the cheesy easy repeatable xp methods
are still in play, but the returns become less and less as player level increases. The aw amount of xp still increases, but 23 xp is a lot bigger of a chunk for a level 2 than 7k xp is to a level 100.