Rite of Black Iron Chains

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Perform Rite of Black Iron Chains

   Erisian Liberation Front Esoteric Maneuver
   Usage: perform rite of black iron chains [with intent to <sense or summon>]

   One of the common side-effects of being a member of the Erisian Liberation Front is that you end
up with all manner of weird and unusual creatures following you around, many of whom don't listen to 
sense or any language a reasonable creature might speak.  By utilizing the tenets of a little-known 
facet of Discordianism called the Black Iron Prison, you can use the fact that reality itself is 
little more than a shared collection of preconceptions and perspectives to get a sense of where your 
divinely-granted companions are.  If you specify an intent to summon, you can also transport them to 
you, but this dramatically increases the intervening time before you can use this rite again.